Wednesday, July 27, 2022

LEAH RIGSBY ~ Papua New Guinea 
Faith Promise Missionary serving with Wycliffe Bible Translators

Leah is a secondary teacher at Ukarumpa International School. Her role is to ensure that the educational needs of missionary kids are met so that their parents can stay on the mission field, rather than having to homeschool their children. Leah teaches math, Spanish, and English. She coaches girls’ volleyball, plays drums in the school band, leads worship, and is involved in youth ministry. Leah is excited about working with the students because it helps Wycliffe speak into the lives of all those who are involved in Bible translation. The Wycliffe translators are transforming the lives of Papua New Guineans by providing God’s Word in new languages, while Leah is transforming the lives of their children.
FBA has supported Leah since 2014. Her plan is to stay in PNG until 2024 at which time she will return to the U.S. for her next furlough.
Pray for wisdom and guidance from the Holy Spirit as she leads the students. Pray that more teachers come to be a part of the ministry outreach being done at Ukarumpa School. Pray for the students as they deal with on-going transitions due to reassignments for their parents and home country visits.

FBA Global Missions, 

FBA Family Ministries & FBA Preschool 

continue to team up during our Summer Sundays in July

to highlight these missionaries, as they share with 

FBA's specific age groups: (Click on their names to see their Introduction Videos...or click here to go to our FBA Missions YouTube Channel!)


Xplore Missions Life Group 
Sundays through Sept. 4     8:45 a.m. | Room 1614
7-Week Study 
The Xplore Missions Life Group will be a venue on Sunday mornings where you can learn more about Missions, hear from FBA missionaries, and receive training (for short-term teams, etc.)
PRAYER & PRAISE ~ July 27 - August 2, 2022
7/27 Keith & Rita Haywood 
Operation Mobilization, USA/Worldwide 
Please pray for ongoing Turkish outreaches in London throughout the year and that the testimonies of young Turkish believers in London will help others to find Christ.
7/28 Rick & Elisabeth Arnold 
Pioneers, Inc., West Africa
Pray for the Chicken Farm which has 300-400 chickens. They continue to fight the battle of heat and lose about forty chickens in these hottest months, currently 115-120 degrees most days. This results in cuts in electric, internet, and water can be off up to a month. The four wells they dug are used on a constant basis and the pumps Rick installed have a tough time keeping up with the demand for clean water. They tend to overheat and wear out due to the electric current dipping too low for the motors.
7/29 Mark & Jana Faus 
SIM International, USA/ Worldwide
Pray for Mark as he guides the development of a new European SIM board that will serve as an entity to enable mission personnel and funding to be sent to central-Asia mission fields. Praise God their son Carter completed his Grade 12 education - considering all the travels and house moves in their overseas ministry through the years, this is a major accomplishment! Carter has been home-schooled his entire educational life by Jana. This is a wonderful accomplishment for her as well!
7/30 Rick & Mary Lynn Atherton 
Campus Crusade for Christ, South Africa
Even while Rick transitioned to Operations Director, and he could not be involved in the translation efforts for the powerful Walking with Jesus video series, work continued. Three new translations were completed earlier this year: Sesotho, Tswana, and Afrikaans. Work is progressing on updating the Finance system. The Lord has provided a local finance system wizard who is matching up and reconciling the two systems.
7/31 Larry & Peggy Anderson 
Youth Outreach United, USA 
Praise God for the year-end totals of YOU’s first Ignite316 year of ministry. They were able to start at three schools, hosted by three local churches throughout the year, with an average attendance of ninety-two for the year, and fifty-nine young people accepting Christ as their personal Savior.
8/1 Brian & Ariel Dicks 
ABWE, Hungary 
Pray for Brian and Ariel as they are in the States this summer to raise a support shortage caused by a closing of a foundation which was supporting them. They have been encouraged to see God work increasingly in the lives of students in Budapest this past year and are so excited for the next year.
8/2 Veral Blake 
Ambassadors for Christ International, West Indies
Please pray for Veral and his family in the homegoing of Norma on July 11. They were married for 50 years, a true blessing. Veral appreciates the fervent prayers sent up to God for her and their family. Norma fought the good fight and kept the Faith. Pray for their son Nigel who needs a divine miracle from God to remove the cancer he is fighting.

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.” I Corinthians 15:58 (NASB) 

Our monthly Prayer & Praise Calendar is also available on 


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