Wednesday, July 20, 2022



Faith Promise Missionaries serving with ABWE



Brian and Ariel Dicks serve in Hungary with ABWE (Association of Baptists for Worldwide Evangelism).

FBA began providing support to the Dicks in 2020. They are the proud parents of three children. Their ministry focus is International Student Ministry and involves the establishment of the youth ministry at Danube International Church in Budapest. They are still laying foundations and building momentum. Please pray that the Covid restrictions and case numbers which have placed barriers and delays in this work, will be lifted soon. 

Additionally, Brian teaches some middle school Bible classes at ICSB (International Christian School of Budapest), and Ariel is a signifricant teammate, building gospel relationships with students that they reach both in the church and in the school. They also serve with the rest of the ABWE Hungary team, occasionally taking part in local Hungarian ministry as their schedules allow, primarily through English camps and classes designed to build relationships and lead Hungarians into local church plants.

Pray that their financial needs will be met in a bountiful way. Pray for the relationships they are pursuing and building for the cause of Christ. 


FBA Global Missions,

FBA Family Ministry & FBA Preschool

continue teaming up during our Summer Sundays in July

to highlight these missionaries, as they share with 

FBA's specific age groups:

      • Preschool & Kids - Tyler & Lara Patty ~ Czech Republic
      • Middle - Dale Hoskins ~ USA/Africa
      • High - Brian & Ariel Dicks ~ Hungary
      • College - Leah Rigsby ~ Papua New Guinea


 Xplore Missions Life Group

New Missions Class | Explore Mission

Beginning Sunday, July 24
8:45 a.m. | Room 1614

7-Week Study

The Xplore Missions Life Group will be a venue on Sunday mornings where you can learn more about Missions, hear from FBA missionaries, and receive training (for short-term teams, etc.)


PRAYER & PRAISE ~ July 20-26, 2022

7/20 Sam & Silvana Shaw 
Presbyterian Evangelistic Fellowship, Ireland/Worldwide
Pray that both their van and car remain operational for the summer and beyond. Pray for healing of Silvana’s back and shoulder. Also, pray for some new props which need to be completed in the coming weeks and for the event they are having for the Brazilian community.
7/21 Paul & Karan Davis 
TEAM, France
TEAM is reviewing its worldwide ministry to put church-planting back on the focal point of all that they do. Recognizing the need to accompany, train, and coach missionaries to have that focus right from the start, TEAM is asking them to help fill this role for missionaries coming to Europe. This renewed focus will be formally introduced at the TEAM All-Europe Conference during July 21-26. Paul will present the coaching/mentoring ministry. Pray for the Lord’s guidance. 
7/22 Linda Summer 
The Agape Puppets, USA/Worldwide  
Praise God for their programs which were presented in Nepal. The last one was at a Catholic school, where they had hundreds of children come and they want the group to return. Praise God for the opportunities they had to minister in Turkey and Peru, as well.
7/23 Mark & Pat Terry 
Cru, USA 
Pray for relationships with the teachers which the Albanian International School Project (ISP) connected with through events and programs to help teachers with their personal and professional needs. These activities served as a precursor to reaching teachers’ spiritual needs.
7/24 LoAnn Nguyen Whang 
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/ USA 
Pray God will lead 20-30 students to join different activities this summer. May God bless our events and may God fill us with joy of His presence. Pray God will lead about twenty people who have love for international students and are godly, faithful, and teachable to say yes to volunteer to serve God with LoAnn.
7/25 Edner & Dominique Jeanty 
Crossworld, Haiti   
Please pray for peace and security in their nation. The capital city has gangs operating in various outlying areas. It is not safe to travel by road to the south since gangs regularly kidnap and kill people going through the district of Martissant, the only paved road to all the regions in the south.
7/26 Robert & Lara Vitter 
Adventive Cross Cultural Initiatives, USA/Italy 
Four days into the war in Ukraine, Serge, the Vitters’ adoption facilitator, and head of the adoption team in Ukraine, was killed by a Russian soldier. His wife, Marina Ivashchenko was their facilitator and translator and helped complete the entire adoption, and was there when they took Maxim out of the orphanage in May 2021. They are praying with tears for Ukraine and Marina and the team during this time. Please pray for them.

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.” I Corinthians 15:58 (NASB) 

Our monthly Prayer & Praise Calendar is also available on 




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