Father is so good to us! We spent two days in Eire Square doing shows with
Reality! We were very blessed. Please rejoice over all that the Father did in Galway!
A young man sat and watched every show that we did. He listened intently when
Michelle talked, and he even clapped when I talked about forgiveness in the
story! No one ever does that. Raymie was walking through the crowd, passing out
literature and talking with people. He began a conversation, and the young man
put his trust in Jesus! He prayed right there on the street! It was beautiful!
The first day, the crowds were especially big and responsive. They clapped for
my stories, which is rare. Best of all, when I said “Jesus” in the story I was
telling, no one dragged their children away. Too often here, I have seen
children begging to stay and hear the rest of the Bible story. However, this
time that did not happen. The children were allowed to stay and listen to God’s
wonderful rescue plan!
One of the most wonderful things I saw happened the first day. The band sang
their first song and people clapped and cheered. I was so blessed to see them
get some encouragement. They faithfully stand in very dark places and sing
about the light of Jesus. It made me very happy that they were blessed!
We received a couple of threats from people who were offended by the Gospel.
They promised that they would keep us from ever returning to Galway. Some
people yelled things as they walked by and some made fun, but we all knew that
all of that was simply how we might act if we did not know Jesus. Even so, no
one can stop us from coming if God wants us to be in a place. The door will
open or close at His pleasure! We all love the streets and the work we get to
do! We are so grateful!
Sometimes, as I told the story, I could see people staring back at me with their
hungriest eyes. It was like you could see their longing. When I spoke of the
hope and peace that Jesus gives, they listened harder. Seeing their needs made
me pray harder!
One of the biggest blessings of the two days was all the children who stopped
and listened. However, there were always more adults who filled the crowd to
listen to a children’s Bible story.
continue to pray for the children of Galway, asking the Father to call them to
the precious band Reality, Sam and Silvana Shaw of God’s
Handiwork, Jacqueline, Nathan and Emine, and Matthew
**************************************************************** PRAYER & PRAISE ~ August 30 - September 5, 2023
8/30 Linda Summer (This week’s blog guest)
Agape Puppets, USA/Worldwide Camp
JIM (Jesus is Mine) is an incredible Christian camp where Linda and her team stayed
while in Minnesota recently. Pastor Charlie arranged for them to teach the camp
counselors how to share Jesus with children. Copies of children's tracts with
simple outlines were provided to them. Pray for these young people as they have
a busy camp season ahead of them.
8/31 D
& C Central
Asia Recently the government decided to review all education related
programs run by international organizations. Until the review is complete, they
directed these education programs to stop their activities (including preschool
and literacy classes). It’s unknown whether they will reopen. Pray that God
provides a way forward for the language communities they serve. 9/1 RUTH RHEA GREENHAW Cru, USA Pray for Ruth and her family as they adjust to their dear dad (Al Rhea) passing on July 13. Pray for strength and capacity for Ruth as she prepares for the Fall NSO, orienting new staff and hearing their stories. May she also have time to fully grieve her father’s passing.
9/2 RICK & MARY LYNN ATHERTON Campus Crusade for Christ, South Africa The Athertons’ five-year residence permits for South Africa are expiring in early October. They have renewed them three times since arriving in 2008. But the laws have changed, and they will not be able to renew under the same classification, so they are changing to a different class of residence permit. Pray that the new permits will be ready at least by September 30th.
9/3 SAM & SILVANA SHAW Presbyterian Evangelistic Fellowship, Ireland/Worldwide Pray for Sam in Zurich for a conference during September 4-7, and then in Belfast Mount Merrion on September 10. Pray that their vehicles will carry them where they need to be.
9/4 PAUL & KARAN DAVIS TEAM, France Pray for the TEAM Italy conference, September 4-7. Paul will present church-planting workshops and coaching/mentoring ministry to accompany new church-planting projects. Pray that these sessions will help their colleagues have a greater impact in Italy.
9/5 MICHAIL & LOIS LITSIKAKIS AMG International, Greece Pray for their time away and pray for Lois who has been involved with MOPS ministry for the past 10 years and will be traveling to Chicago, September 4-10, for the MomCon Conference / leadership training. Pray for safe travels, good networking opportunities and for the rest of the family remaining in Greece as it will be the first time that Lois is away from baby Alexandros.
“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be
steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that
your toil is not in vain in the
Lord.” I Corinthians 15:58 (NASB)
Our monthly Prayer &
Praise Calendar is also available on fba.org/globalmissions
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