Diane has served through e3 Partners these past 18 years leading church planting teams to 15 countries around the world, the latest being India.
God laid on her heart the burden and passion to reach South Florida with the life-changing message of the Gospel with the e3 USA team. She is teaching a neighborhood Bible study, works as a peer counselor with Care Net (a local crisis pregnancy center), leads a women's Bible study at the county prison and volunteers with the chaplaincy program at a nearby hospital.
She prays that God will bless her with several more healthy and active years so that she can show and tell of the love of Jesus to the Treasure Coast. Amazingly, it has the highest percentage of "never-churched" in the USA. That's higher than New York City!
"In this way you will lay up treasure for the coming age, so that you may take hold of the life that is truly life." -1 Tim 6:19
After serving her sentence, Dana moved into a woman's transition home and immediately started looking for a job. She was told by a job finder who deals with cases like hers that with her record the only position she would be able to qualify for would be a job at the dump! Not very encouraging news! But, knowing she was God's child and meant for more, she was not going to let this discourage her. Dana knew that with God all things are possible! She was determined to press on, trusting Him to provide exactly what she needed in His perfect time and way! The very next day Dana went to a used car dealership and got a job on the spot as the office manager!! She left walking on cloud nine!!
Cleveland Clinic Tradition
This past spring we had some scary tornado producing storms come through here in South Florida. When I heard the alert go off on my phone I grabbed my pillow and dove into the closet until I got the all clear. Did you ever think about what they do at a hospital in this kind of weather? When I went in to volunteer the next day, I was talking to one of the patients who said that the staff had to come in and turn all the beds so that the patients were facing the doors leading to the hallway in the event the glass windows were to explode. What an ordeal that must have been! Thank the Lord, no tornadoes touched down here and everyone was safe.
One of those patients was Sue (not her real name). I noticed on the chart that she was a Jehovah's Witness and I had mentally crossed her off my list to visit. Most JW do not allow anyone to pray for them unless they are a JW as well. I felt my time would be more appreciated and productive with another patient. But as I passed her room, the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart and prompted me to go in. After I introduced myself as a Spiritual Care volunteer, she got very emotional and through her tears said she most likely has cancer. She was devastated and afraid of dying. I knew that this was a divine appointment!
I asked her if she knew with certainty that she would go to heaven. She told me that although she was a JW she hadn't been to church in years. She said she believed that when we die we just go back to dust, life is over, period. There is nothing more. If that is so, I asked, then why did God send His Son, Jesus? She had no idea! I told her that God created her because He loved her and His highest priority is to have a personal relationship with her. I said that her heavenly Father had an amazing plan and purpose for her life and wants her to have both an abundant life here on earth (a life full of love, joy, peace and hope) and eternal life with Him in heaven. I explained the Good News and told her that forgiveness is a gift, offered freely to everyone, but we need to receive it by faith.
I encouraged her to read the book of John in her King James Bible that she had at home (not the JW "bible") and then prayed for her. By the end of my visit she was smiling and expressed her gratitude. Please be in prayer for Sue that she will read the Truth, know the Truth, accept the Truth and be set free from the lies she is believing! You would be amazed at the many different beliefs that I hear every week from folks! You and I have the opportunity to point those who are broken to the love and hope found in Christ! "You are the light of the world...let your light shine before men that they may...praise your Father in heaven." Matt 5:14-16
Just recently I was at my church's monthly information meeting. This is a gathering after our last service where we serve lunch and give visitors an opportunity to learn more about the church, meet the pastors and staff and learn how they can get connected. I am a table leader and seated next to me were a lovely and lively 82 year old woman and her daughter. The mother looked more like she was in her early 70's and according to her daughter, her mom works out every day and puts her to shame! After talking to them for a while I discerned that although they believed in God and Jesus, they did not have a personal relationship with Him nor did they have any assurance of going to heaven. After spending some time with them explaining the Gospel I asked if they were ready to place their trust in Jesus as their Lord and Savior. They enthusiastically said, "Yes!" After I led them in prayer, I encouraged both of them to pray about going through believer's baptism by immersion. Honestly, I am embarrassed to admit that I didn't think that they would want to do this. However...they were all in! And they wanted to get baptized in two weeks when we would be having a baptism service at the beach! What a joy and honor it was to be there to see them both get baptized! Now they are eager to join a class for new believers and are hungry to learn God's Word! (Permission granted to share) "Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit..." Matt 28:19
Rejoicing in Him,
Avant Ministries, Guatemala
Pray for the classes Sergio will teach at SETECA and for the four modular classes that he is preparing to offer next year with visiting professors from the USA. Please pray for him and his sons as they continue through the grief process after losing Linda in March.
9/7 DIANE HARRINGTON (this week's blog guest)
e3 Partners, USA
e3 Partner’s Annual Giving Day is today, September 7. Pray that Diane will receive the funding she needs to support her ministry. Pray that her home church, Family Church North Stuart, will consider partnering with her in bringing the Christmas Gathering Ministry to the church. Christmas Gatherings are evangelical Christmas Parties (a ministry of CRU) where the Gospel is presented, and the participants are given an opportunity to join a small group.
Middle East / USA
Pray for K & C’s upcoming trip together during September 5 - November 30, 2023.
Ambassadors for Christ International, West Indies
Pray for Veral’s ministry to Couples, as he presents a seminar September 9 on Conflict Resolutions in Marriage. Pray for the couples, many who are experiencing serious disagreements and are on the verge of divorce. Pray that God will use this seminar to stabilize their marriages.
Source of Light Ministries, USA/Worldwide
Graciela spent time in August with her sister Chatito (who has dementia), then went to El Paso to do border ministry and hand out Messengers to the migrants. Pray as she returns home.
Pioneers, West Africa
Pray early today (4:15 am EST) as Seanna has her Embassy Interview. Pray that all their efforts will receive God’s blessings and the Embassy’s as well. She has received all her tests and has received 100% medical approval.
AMG International, Asia
Pray for a replacement for their Principal, Thong Dee, who will retire in three years. She is a wonderful Christian, teacher and leader which is difficult to replace. Many of their best teachers who could qualify to replace her, pass the government exam, and leave them for government jobs which offer better benefits and pay. Pray that they find a committed qualified candidate!
“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be
steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that
your toil is not in vain in the Lord.” I Corinthians 15:58 (NASB)
Our monthly Prayer & Praise Calendar is also available on fba.org/globalmissions
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