Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Happy Birthday America


                                                                                                     (Stock Photo)

On July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress unanimously adopted the Declaration of Independence, announcing the colonies’ separation from Great Britain. The Constitution provides the legal and governmental framework for the United States, however, the Declaration, with its eloquent assertion “all Men are created equal,” is equally beloved by the American people. This bears repeating.

Wherever you are this Fourth of July, remember to stop for a moment and give thanks for our founding fathers having the courage to fight for freedom from tyranny . . . remember to be thankful for those who have lost sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, in the fights for our freedoms . . . remember to be thankful for those whose father or mother died while fighting for freedom. Above all, remember to thank Almighty God for allowing us to live in America and giving us the beautiful tradition of celebrating freedom! 

PRAYER & PRAISE ~ June 28 - July 4, 2023
Ethnos360, Asia Pacific

Pray for Julie today, as she is scheduled to have a double kneecap replacement. She has been warned that it will take a year to realize that the surgery worked, but Lord willing, she hopes to return to her ministry country in late August.

The Agape Puppets, USA/Worldwide

Pray for Linda’s trips to various parts of the world to tell children about Jesus. She is praying that God will fund and open doors to tell many children about His beautiful rescue plan!

6/30 E & G

Pray that their ESL ministry will provide many opportunities for friendships and evangelism.

Be One Together, USA/Brazil

Pray for Robert as he continues Mentoring/Coaching the Brazil team members, which is both challenging and rewarding! Helping and supporting them in their daily work via both inspiration and strategy, as well as practical assistance, provides the satisfaction of having served those who are in turn serving local churches by providing indispensable tools, information, and vision.

Wycliffe Bible Translators, USA/Central Africa

The trip to Moldova provided a short break from his Bible translation work. Keith plans to have a face-to-face session via internet with two teams in July, to go over the revisions they will make in Numala and Nuasué.

Campus Crusade for Christ, New Zealand

Thank God for a base of operation and colleagues at Tandem Ministries. Praise God for chaplains being trained in French, Spanish, English, Portuguese, and a range of Indian languages, and that GSCA 10:40 weekly prayer, which began in May, will run through July.

Let’s lift a prayer of thankfulness to God for all that we have, for living in America, and for the promise of Christ’s return to gather all the believers to Him. Pray for those who are lost and searching, pray they will find the only Hope there is in a lost and confused world. Pray that America returns to God and our Judeo-Christian values! 

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.” I Corinthians 15:58 (NASB) 

Our monthly Prayer & Praise Calendar is also available on 


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