Bela & Ildiko Dobos, FBA Faith Promise Missionaries shared
updates of Christmas, which we want to share with you!
be to God for his indescribable gift!"
2 Corinthians 9:15
Another Christmas has come and gone, as we welcome another year. Yet,
we should celebrate Christmas every day. The Dobos are very grateful for your faithful prayers and your generosity that makes it possible for them to serve
the Lord full time. Here, they share the blessings of the last three months.
In our previous newsletter we mentioned that Ildiko has been
working on finding a solution on how we could switch over to electronic
documents. Not long ago, she saw the advertisement of a company on FB that
offers solutions for going electronically. When she called them, it turned
out that the owners of the company and some of their staff are believers. One
of the owners who Ildiko was talking to (his name is Balazs), came as a
camper to WOLH (Word of Life Hungary) in five different summers in his teenage years. They are not
only being very helpful and giving us a 50% discount, they even modified
their program without any extra charge so that it would fit our needs better,
which required a few days of extra work on their part. We started testing
their program in the second week of December. The tester of the company
called us when he saw WOLH’s name among the companies that are testing their
program. He called us to say that he was a camper for a few years and after he
was old enough he served as a room leader in our camp. His name is Erik, he
is thirty years old, and has two little daughters now. He said, "I can hardly wait to send my
daughters to your camp. I want them to have the experience that I had in your
camp." He also offered his help not only with their own
program but with any IT needs that we may have. We do have needs in that area
and are very short on people. The Lord could not have provided for us any
better than this. What a blessing it is to work with these young
professionals who are believers and eager to help!
Our Bible Institute’s students, besides their weekly
involvement in ministries, had special opportunities in October and
November to serve in eight different local churches in eight different
cities in Hungary. They served with physical work, evangelism, outreaches
and through various other ways. It provided for them a great opportunity
to get to know Hungarian local churches, to promote the Bible Institute
and our camp and to build relationships with the youth in local churches.
WOL Hungary wants to help local churches, but especially with their youth
ministries. In November, three groups of students went to serve in local
churches in Romania, Serbia and Ukraine.

Teaching English in a school during ministry week
It is a special blessing
for us that we can be involved in serving with our students.
Since October, every
Tuesday afternoon, Bela again takes a group of students to the streets of
Budapest to share the gospel with people. It is a special group. What a joy it
is to see their enthusiasm and dedication in this outreach. On many occasions
they also spend Saturday afternoons in Budapest sharing the gospel with people.
The Christmas Markets are great places to do it. People come there from all
over the world and have time to stop and talk. Street
Evangelism Team in our home Wolferencia Youth Conference
December 4th, 79 young people came to WOLH for a youth conference called "Wolferencia'' where they were greatly encouraged to find their ministry
in their local churches. It
is a great joy for the two of us that next March we will be leading a group of
students to serve in Portugal, three young ladies: Eva and Julia from
Poland, Emi from Serbia and three young men: Josh from New Zealand, Alex from
Romania and Gergo from Hungary. During March 6-12, we will be serving in local
churches, in schools and in open-air meetings along with WOL Portugal staff.
Our Bible Institute students will be serving in six different countries besides
Portugal. Please pray for our preparation and our time in Portugal and that the
Lord will provide all the cost of travel and lodging for each student and for
the teams for Go Mobilize Breakfast
with our team to Portugal
PRAYER & PRAISE ~ January 4-10, 2023
1/4 J & M-C
for all the details of their move to a different middle eastern country in
January. This will include selling all their existing furnishings and buying
replacement furnishings at their new locale. Pray for a smooth transition and
for God’s protection over them.
1/5 Edner & Dominique Jeanty
Crossworld, Haiti
pray for stable revenue for BARNABAS Center to continue to operate, especially
as Haiti’s national economy is almost at a standstill with the price hike of
fuel and with armed gangs controlling access to several communities. Pray for
continued progress at Beree Church on their 35th year. They are pursuing a
Bible Study on the doctrine of the Holy Spirit reaching more than 200 people
online. They just completed a practical sermon series on Biblical Stewardship.
1/6 Al Rhea
USA/Southern & Eastern Africa
for the Student Led Movements. They are excited to begin the internship
(branded: Campus Mission Program) training in January 2023. Pray that the 15
candidates will embrace the vision of Win, Build, Send during and after the
training camp. Pray for the LeaderImpact program to start in January. It
will be a training to reach the leaders in the city.
Mark & Jana Faus
for Mark in Monrovia to provide training and mentoring to a brand-new board for
SIM’s ELWA Hospital from January 7-13. Pray for Mark’s clarity of mind and
verbiage as he presents two days of governance training and sits as an observer
in this board’s first meeting.
1/8 Gary & Esther Smith
Papua New Guinea
that the road will completely open for the neighboring tribe to send in a new
missionary team. On a family note, pray that the funds needed for their son’s
college bill will be provided.
Robert & Mary Jo Foster
One Together, USA/Brazil
A few short months ago, EE-Brazil
missionaries conducted both a workshop and a training clinic in the First
Baptist Church of Pinheiros. A few weekends ago, they sent the following testimony:
“More than 10 people heard the plan of
salvation firsthand! There were conversions! There were requests for additional
home visits where they will give us permission to share more about God! Glory
be to God! All things are through Him, by Him and for Him!!!”
Tyler & Lara Patty
Venture, Czech Republic
years ago, they launched the European Campus of ForMission College, to prepare
the next generation of European leaders for ministry and mission. Recently
these students graduated, overcoming many challenges, both academic and
personal. Each is a story of God’s faithfulness. Pray for their 18 current
ForMission students who have begun a new term. Continue to pray
for Josiah Venture teammates responding to the war in Ukraine.
my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of
the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.” I Corinthians
15:58 (NASB)
monthly Prayer & Praise Calendar is also available on
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