Thursday, January 12, 2023

Local Ministry Highlight from FBA . . .

Following up from First Baptist Atlanta's Wisdom Seekers Life Group’s participation in ServeATL last fall, Kim Vescovo, teacher Bill Vescovo’s wife, reached out again to Phoenix Assisted Living to see what they could do for the residents at Christmas. 


It was suggested to provide gifts for people residing in the memory care section for their Christmas Party. Each resident (or their helper) indicated on a checklist the item(s) they would like to receive. Life Group members then chose one or more of the gift lists and shopped for the items desired and wrapped and brought the gifts back to class.


Due to an outbreak of Covid among the residents, the party was delayed, and visitors were not allowed in the building, but Kim and Bill delivered the items to the door where they were received with much appreciation by the Memory Care administrator for distribution to the residents.


PRAYER & PRAISE ~ January 11-17, 2023
VIANOVA, Belguim 
Much needed items were collected on a truck organized by Vianova for Ukraine. Members of the church and many of the Salsacs’ personal friends from the different organizations where Luc is involved gave a lot for the project. The Red Cross allowed them to use their van to bring it all to the Vianova center and they also had a van from another business. Pray the Lord will continue to guide and oversee the remainder of the school year.  
AMG International, Asia 
Pray for the Jenks as they travel to Chicago January 12 to meet a significant donor for the By Grace School program and give orientation to their granddaughter, Evangeline, who will accompany them to Thailand for five weeks to help Lois teach ESL classes to the elementary students. 
1/13 T & A
Praise God for the nine couples who participated in the marriage retreat. May they establish new patterns of relating to one another in love. May they be models for other believing couples around them.
AFC International, Australia 
Pray that God would enable Josh to coordinate the process of strategic change over the next twelve months among the national and international leaders, the boards they represent, and the staff and volunteer teams they lead. Pray that the Holy Spirit would structure their team for more fruitful ministry multiplication in the mission of accelerating the spread of the Gospel.
North American Mission Board, USA 
Please join the FBA Missions team today for the first Adventures in Missions Luncheon for the year, as Faith Promise Missionaries Bennett and Idong Ekandem share about their ministry work.
Ambassadors for Christ International, West Indies 
Obviously, Veral was devastated by the deaths of his wife and son and the situation took a heavy toll on him. It was difficult to function normally but thanks to the prayers, support, and encouragement of many of you as well as members of the body of Christ in general who know them well and benefited from their ministry for decades, he is refreshed, renewed, and reinvigorated. Please continue to pray for Veral and his family.
TEAM, USA/Worldwide  
Pray for David, as he has been having heart issues. The tests revealed Micro-vascular Angina and Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction. There is a portion of the heart that, due to some past stress or event, has become thicker and harder, so less able to pump when needed. Pray for the medications to be effective, and that no further degeneration will occur.

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.” I Corinthians 15:58 (NASB) 

Our monthly Prayer & Praise Calendar is also available on 

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