Wednesday, June 1, 2022

ROSS & ROULA GEORGIOU, FBA Faith Promise Missionaries serving with Campus Crusade for Christ, Germany 
Sports Chaplaincy ministry provides pastoral care for professional, regional, club, and school sports groups. The ministry of a sports chaplain is available to all athletes regardless of their spiritual background. Christ is the center of this ministry and sports chaplains are directing athletes to Him. Ross is responsible for championing sports chaplaincy internationally. He travels throughout Europe and the Middle East teaching others how to grow sports chaplaincy in their city, country or region. 



What do we do and Why do we do it? 
                (MISSION and VISION):

The Global Sports Chaplaincy Association will help establish, develop, empower and resource entities that will practice sports chaplaincy. 

so that: 

... every person involved in sport around the world has access to a Christian sports chaplain.


As leader of GSCA I am very conscious of being a good steward of the experiences, resources and people that we have been entrusted with. There is much to celebrate,

...such as our colleague in Brazil being asked to serve as a chaplain on the world surfing circuit (see picture below), one colleague in South Africa consistently baptising athletes, our French leader gaining favour with both administrators of the Rugby World Cup and Olympic Committee, and Ireland seeing trifold growth in chaplains.

We are both thankful and full of joy to be able to share this and more with you.

   CSCA’s  mailing address is:  

Thank you journeying with us! We want to share with you a CALL to PRAYER.      
                                                     This picture is credited to Andy Carruther, a chaplain to '"long boarders".

Please pray for our chaplains from Ukraine and surrounding countries, serving under extreme circumstances.
•    One servant is running football camps for refugee kids in Moldova, 
•    Another is connecting with sports people in his network who have taken up arms (one of whom has died), yet another arranging beds and homes for families in a neighboring country.                                 
Pat Ragan, Pathway Ministries Director and Short-Term Missions Pastor, had lunch with Ross Georgiou and his coworker Warren Evans (from the UK) this past Sunday. He also invited Anthony & Ashley Keeton to join them as they are “sports” people and former team leaders. They all had a great time and enjoyed learning about Ross' current ministry and plans for the future. Ross’ wife, Roula, is Greek and they know all of our AMG friends in Greece! Small world as usual. 





 PRAYER & PRAISE ~ June 1-7, 2022

Campus Crusade for Christ, Germany  
Ross and Roula host GloLead Leadership Gathering of ministry leaders in Tolo for five days in
June. Thank God for strong growth and interest in chaplaincy in South Asia and African nations. Pray for their local ministry collaborating with athletes and families in sports in Germany, for new and creative ideas, and a breakthrough in Major Event Chaplaincy. Pray for an operations leader for GSCA.

AMG International, Greece 
Pray for peace  in Ukraine and the tremendous energy crisis all over Europe due to war. Pray for the ministry in Cyprus, the summer Youth & Kids camps, and especially for the radio station as they share the message of hope to thousands of people every day.
6/3 Al Rhea 
Cru, USA/Southern & Eastern Africa
Pray for the Multiplying Churches and Communities (MC²) training and national vision casting in June 2022. Praise God for the establishment of  new church plants and prayer groups in all areas where there are JESUS Film Partners. Pray for plans to reach Sambava District in June. 
6/4 Robert & Mary Jo Foster 
Be One Together, USA/Brazil
EE-Brazil was able to begin 2022 with renewed possibilities for in-person training after two years with a greater focus on online training. PTL! An in-person workshop (Go Training Day)  is scheduled for today, June 4, following May 28 as the GoMovement’s Global Outreach Day.
6/5 LoAnn Nguyen-Whang 
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, USA
Pray for wisdom and favor from God for LoAnn to communicate, lead, teach, and work with students, Emory staff, faculty, ministry partners, churches, and Emory leaders. Pray for strength and protection from God for volunteers, students, her family, and herself, especially for baby Ethan whenever he is with her at events and to meet students.
6/6 Dale & Carole Hoskins 
Wycliffe Bible Translators, USA/Africa     
Pray that Dale can lead the CiTs (translation consultant trainees) into effective training routines and guide them as they move closer to a field allocation. There are eight CiTs and all anticipate moving within the next 12 months to serve internationally under the authority of a national partner.
6/7 T & A 
Central Asia
Pray for their June regional conference which serves over 30 teams. Praise the Lord for the Inner Freedom Training to equip locals and expatriates to minister freedom to others from unforgiveness, sin, shamanistic practices and more.


“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.” I Corinthians 15:58 (NASB) 


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