FBA Faith Promise
Missionaries ~ Mark & Pat Terry
Mark and Pat Terry share some recent reports from a
Ukrainian believer with some encouraging answers to prayer. As
we read these stories of survivors, we can't help but see God's
miracles and angels at work:
Julia, a teacher from Konotop, shared that her husband defended the city of
Irpin with his friend Maxim. Maxim did not have a very strong relationship with
God before. But in war, they prayed constantly and death with God did not cause
alarm. Maxim asked God if he had to die, to make it a special death, that he
could do something good. During heavy shelling, he took off his bulletproof
vest and wrapped it around a child. Maxim died but the child survived. It is
impossible to describe all the horrors of war, but we thank God for such people
and their sacrifices.
Three women left Bucha on foot to get to Irpin. They called it "the road
of death" because many died on that road, so they were praying the whole
time. When they got to a checkpoint, the soldiers asked where did the fourth
one go because they saw a man leading their way.
* A lady was peacefully sleeping in her bed on
the second floor of her house. She woke up because she heard a noise downstairs
and decided to check on it. She didn't have the time to reach the first floor
when her house was shelled – a rocket broke the roof and hit the bed she was
sleeping on but did not explode. She wasn't even scratched.
* A man in an occupied town left his bomb shelter
to go across the street to get water. His wife heard gunshots, saw him fall to
the ground and Russian soldiers pass him by. After the soldiers left, he got up
unharmed. He explained that he didn't see them coming but he heard a voice say,
"drop to the ground" and did it just in time to dodge the bullet. It
saved his life.
* A family was sheltering in their garage
basement in Mariupol for weeks.
They were praying and reciting Psalm 91,
especially during shelling. Their building was one of the very few that
remained untouched during heavy shelling. By God's grace, their friend was able
to get into the city, find them, and bring them out of Mariupol. Later that day
they found out that their garage was bombed during an airstrike. Psalm 91,
especially during shelling. Their building was one of the very few that
remained untouched during heavy shelling. By God's grace, their friend was able
to get into the city, find them, and bring them out of Mariupol. Later that day
they found their garage was bombed during an airstrike. * A man showing the reporters a
missile rocket that did not explode said, "Do you know what this is? It's
an answer to someone's prayer, and we see lots of rockets that did not
explode, so please, keep praying."
May these stories encourage us
and help us pray with even more fervor. Please continue to pray for this
"David and Goliath" battle to bring glory to God.
In His love,
and Pat Terry
PRAYER & PRAISE ~ May 18-24, 2022
Alan & Lynée Ward
Bible Translators, USA
of minority language groups around the world that need a Bible translation also
need computer fonts with special letters. Alan works on a team that creates
some of the needed fonts. Rejoice with them in the release of a new version of their
Latin, Cyrillic, and Greek fonts, which are used around the world where Bible
translators need European-style alphabets for minority languages.
Charlie & MaryBeth Berry
(Unto), USA/Worldwide
ministry, Unto (Cru’s humanitarian ministry), needs more full-time staff
members. Please pray God will provide for those positions. Praise God for the
Middle East Vision Clinic trip, which the team of nine, including MaryBeth and
son, Stephen, tested vision for 1,175 people living in a refugee community, and
provided free glasses to most of them. Two other vision clinic teams also
served nearly 1,200 people each, in Tanzania and El Salvador.
Beverly Minor
Missionary Clearinghouse, Austria
for her church and its people, which has adopted a church in Ukraine, where a
van loaded with food and relief supplies makes a weekly delivery to the church
or just across the border. They also gifted this church with over 6000€ and
donate food and relief supplies to other locations in Ukraine through GAIN
(Global Aid Network), which is located in Hungary.
Dave & Mikkel Tegelaar
in Action, USA
Pray for their staff
team as they teach through the book of Philippians at their
1TENN meetings on campus this semester.
Sergio & Linda Mijangos
Ministries, Guatemala
Even while facing serious health issues themselves,
Sergio and Linda continue serving on behalf of the seminary through the
Internet. Linda is seeing some clients and teaching the Ladies’ Bible
study with her neighbors through Zoom. Sergio has been teaching his class and
handling other responsibilities from Houston. Please pray for Linda’s
healing from cancer, and for Sergio’s high blood pressure to decrease.
Bill & Joy Boerop
Thrust International, USA/Worldwide
God for a collaborative agreement between Africa Christian Mission Institute
(ACMI) and Lead City University in Nigeria. This opportunity provides a
platform for one of the World Thrust Seminars, thereby allowing ACMI and World
Thrust International to produce a greater number of graduates to move into
world missions.
Tim & Kathy Cummins
Ministries, USA
for the mission kids who will be graduating from fifth grade and going into
middle school. Pray for the teams coming this summer; pray that easy lodging is
found and that the communities are welcoming. Pray for our friends overseas.
Pray for Ashley to have meaningful conversations with her patients.
Red Cross Blood Drive
Please go to https://www.fba.org and
register on the home page.

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