Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Doug & Lisa Mitts, FBA Faith Promise Missionaries serving with Greater Europe Mission, Germany

Doug and Lisa Mitts serve to expand the Kingdom of God across Europe and in Germany through church-planting, evangelism, discipleship, training and spiritual formation. Doug serves on both the Greater Europe Mission (GEM) and senior leadership teams as the Senior Leader for Spiritual Life and CityReach (CPM/DMM), where he is responsible for spiritual formation mission-wide. He is also the Strategy Leader for Focus City, pursuing very pro-actively the full reach of Frankfurt-Rhein-Main and its transformation through lay disciple-multiplication and church planting. He coaches GEM staff members in an effort to see discipleship and church-planting movements ignited in the major European urban centers across the continent. One of Doug's key goals is to keep the GEM missionaries flourishing in their relationship with God. Lisa serves as a leader for GEM staff members in Eurasia and disciples women.


Please pray for God to lead the Greater Europe Mission Work group seeking to meet the physical and spiritual needs of Ukrainians fleeing from the war and helping them with the trauma.These are some of their prayer requests:

  • Please pray for our dear Polish brothers and sisters who are daily watching their country radically change. They are reaching out to all those Ukrainians coming into their country. 
  • Praise God for all He did during the spiritual life retreat we conducted for the German Pastors and Christian leaders of Frankfurt. 
  • Praise God for the way the network of European countries is helping with the Ukrainian crisis.  
  • Ask God to give the team wisdom, courage, and insight for the work ahead. 
  • Pray for the many challenges with accommodation which is a huge problem. There are more than two million Ukrainians in Poland now. Cars and equipment are sent with medical and other materials. The challenges are huge, but the Holy Spirit is strengthening and supporting people through it all.
  • Praise God for all the wonderful Gospel conversations we have weekly as we go out and engage people in the harvest.

The article below is shared from Greater Europe Mission 

At GEM, we believe that God moves through our partnership with Him in prayer. In Luke 10:2, Jesus encouraged us to “pray for the Lord of the harvest to send workers into the field” (emphasis added). At 10:02 each day, GEM missionaries across Europe pause to pray for people to respond to God’s call by going and we would welcome you to join us in praying specifically for people to come serve on Lesvos.

As always, there are physical needs that can only be met through giving. Since 2015, the European Union has recorded over one million people that have passed through the island of Greece into Europe. At present, there are over 7,000 asylum seekers on Lesvos alone, living in dire conditions hoping for a place to call home again. The humanitarian needs are great.

For those interested in short-term trips, GEM partners with trusted organizations working in and among the camp who welcome short-term volunteers to help the immediate physical needs of refugees. For those interested in long-term service, willing to root their lives in Lesvos, the chance to address spiritual needs through living out the Gospel in daily life with refugees is ready and waiting for you.


 PRAYER & PRAISE ~ June 22-29, 2022

6/22 Gary & Esther Smith
Ethnos360, Papua New Guinea 
Pray for Esther and Gary as they go to the capital city to get a second MRI for Esther to track the progress of the tumor on her auditory nerve. Please pray for wisdom for the doctors. A tribe in PNG will start the evangelistic phase one teaching in a few weeks. Please pray for a great harvest!
Ethnos360, Asia Pacific 
Pray for life decisions for students at the end of the school year, for visas, for teachers for next year, and for a good conclusion to the school year.
6/24 David & Kathy North 
TEAM, USA/Worldwide
Pray for David and Kathy’s son, Eric, who is experiencing a crisis. David and Eric plan to hike the Rockies together. Pray for the Lord to guide their conversations and draw Eric closer  to Him.
6/25 Andrea & Emory Fleming
Operation Mobilization, Ireland
Pray for summer preparations as short-term teams are beginning to come and also the opportunity to go to summer youth camp as leaders. Pray for a Short-term Team in Ireland which begins today and remains until July 2.
6/26 Don & Susie Newby 
Greater Europe Mission, USA/Europe
Pray for Susie as she seeks treatment for a rare genetic disorder. Pray that her doctors will work together to provide her the best and wisest care. Pray the Lord will heal her in a miraculous way!
6/27 Alan & Lynée Ward 
Wycliffe Bible Translators, USA
Pray for Lynée’s team as it reevaluates how they can better support parents and teachers overseas and be responsive to current needs and situations. Pray that God will bring more teachers to meet the needs overseas. Their teacher orientation is at the end of June. UPDATE 6/21: Praise the Lord for answered prayer; after months of searching, the Wards have a contract on a house that is only two doors around the cul de sac from Lynee's brother. Pray all continues to move in a positive direction.
6/28 Andrew & Alecia Teeuwen 
Pioneers, Inc., Greece 
Pray for daughter Susanna and Ian as they wed today and anticipate their married life together. Ask the Lord to guide them in all the decisions they make and to keep the Lord at the center of their marriage.

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.” I Corinthians 15:58 (NASB) 

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