Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Reaching the Unreached


The Great Commission
Matthew 28:19-20

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” 

Jesus gave this command to the apostles shortly before He ascended into Heaven, and it essentially outlines what Jesus expected the apostles and those who followed them to do in His absence.
This is what He expects us to do. So many people, martyrs and missionaries have given their lives for Christ and His Great Commission. We say thank you to the Bible translators who have sacrificed, committed their lives and their livelihoods to spreading the Gospel, working with various language groups and breaking through the language barriers!

These most recent statistics regarding Bible translations are provided by Wycliffe.

Praise for all the languages that already have God's Word available!
Pray for the 1,892 languages that don't have it yet!


Source: Wycliffe Global Alliance, September 2021


LoAnn Nguyen-Hwang, an FBA Faith Promise Missionary, shares some of her experience making disciples of various nations at Emory University:

"2021 closed with lots of thankfulness and miracles. With God’s help, blessings and guidance, we reached over 100 students from 45 countries. They came from east, west, south, and north. They came from all different countries and cultures and religious backgrounds. During last Christmas, I thought of international students who came to America like three wise men who followed the star to search for baby Jesus (Matthew 2:1-12). Of course, for those wise men to meet Jesus, they faced so many difficulties from nature or circumstances- traveled for days and nights, being vulnerable when they met a wrong and crafty person – King Herod – they were lonely in a new country and new culture. However, when they met and encountered Jesus personally, they returned to their home countries with their new joyful versions and praised God. International students and visiting scholars are the same. They come here nowadays with a lot of obstacles such as Covid circumstances, loneliness, vulnerability, curiosity, etc.… But nothing stops them to search for the truth if they have a bright star to lead them to Jesus."

Pray for LoAnn as she ministers to the international student population at Emory University in Atlanta where she teaches Bible studies, holds prayer walks, and hosts weekly fellowship events. There are nearly 2,600 international students at Emory from all around the world, and seventy-five percent of them are non-Christians. LoAnn's vision is to plant the seed of Christ in the hearts of international students by creating a place where they have a sense of belonging and can feel comfortable as they pray, study God's Word, and build a personal relationship with Christ. 


PRAYER & PRAISE - February 23 - March 1, 2022
2/23 Michael & Lois Litsikakis 
AMG International, Greece 
Pray for more coworkers and partners to help the AMG ministry. Ask God to provide a new full-time cook and long-term volunteers (May-July) in the areas of kitchen help, summer interns, and a sports intern; to be willing and flexible partners to share the load.
2/24 Kathryn Wurst 
CMF International, Germany
Pray for the students in Kathryn’s small group and for wisdom as she works with her student leader. Please also pray for preparations for their retreat to go smoothly.
2/25 K & C 
USA/Middle East
Praise that C’s cataract surgeries went well, and she is enjoying seeing well again. Things are looking better for travel. Pray for possible trips to countries of their ministry people.
2/26 Gary & Donna Ferch 
Friends in Action International, USA/Bolivia         
Pray for healing of his damaged/inoperable gallbladder. Doctors are trying to control the pain by placing stents. So far, relief has only been temporary. Pray they can find the actual cause of the pain and determine how to treat it.
Central Asia
Pray for J and R today as they are the special guests for FBA’s AIM (Adventures in Missions) Zoom call from 5-6 PM EST. Contact in advance for the Zoom log-in details.
2/28 Paul & Lois Jenks 
AMG International, USA/Asia
Please pray that the Jenks will be able to return to Thailand in June. The Omicron variant has hit Thailand hard, and authorities have increased the restrictions again. Pray for those who are sick, and that the situation will get back to the “new” normal.
SIM USA, Inc., USA/Worldwide 
Continue to pray for Mark in his trip to Angola and Malawi in March. He will be conducting evaluations of the SIM medical ministries in those countries and conducting governance workshops to several local SIM and church boards. Pray for wisdom and the Lord’s guidance in all facets of the trip.  


Mark your calendar!

THIS Sunday, February 27 - Adventures in Missions


February 27, Sunday | 5-6 PM EST

   J & R, Special Guests

   Faith Promise Missionaries

           Contact in advance for the Zoom log-in details.


“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.” I Corinthians 15:58 (NASB) 


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