Happy Spring to you all! I trust that you are enjoying the new life growing
all around us. In my work as a Partnership Development Coach, I continue to see more and
more of the joy of
partnership in the gospel and in ministry. Paul says, "I
thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for
you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel
from the first day until now. And I am sure that he who began a good work in
you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:3-6 Through watching the new missionaries, I coach build their own partnership
team, I am continually reminded of my own beautiful partnership team - those
of you who pray, encourage, give, and advocate for my Wycliffe ministry. Thank you for your investment in
getting the whole Bible to all of those who don't have it.
Spring Scripture Celebration
Last week we had our Spring Scripture Celebration, rejoicing with communities
around the world who are receiving Scripture in their language — from
first engagements to complete Bibles. Click here to watch!
In 1999 Wycliffe adopted Vision2025, to have a translation program in progress in every language still needing one
by the year 2025. All around the world, individual countries are achieving
Vision 2025. Join us and over 1,000 global partners in celebrating with and
praying for countries as they get closer to seeing the reality of all people
being able to encounter Jesus through Scripture in a language and format they
clearly understand.
Zoom in to
see the names of these countries and what they represent. Notice that Papua
New Guinea, where I served for
almost 10 years, is one of four countries with the highest remaining need in the world. Please join me in praying for
********************************************************************* PRAYER & PRAISE ~ May 10-16, 2023
5/10 PAUL & LOIS JENKS AMG International, USA/Asia Please pray for By Grace School as they are currently on summer break until mid-May. Pray for refreshment for the staff and students and for increased enrollment for the ‘23-‘24 school year. The school administrator asked for special prayer as the year-end was hectic with many reports required by the Thai school system bureaucracy. (Missions had the pleasure of hosting Paul & Lois for lunch yesterday here at FBA.)
5/11 TEG & MIKKEL TEGELAAR Cru/Athletes in Action, USA The Lord has been moving within the Tennessee athletic department this year and Teg & Mikkel are so excited to watch what He is doing. Teg’s current series on Relationships: Living in Community, Being in Relationships Across Racial Lines, Dating, etc. has been impactful and led to some great conversations with the students. Pray for Mikkel’s work with the athletes as well, and for life balance for herself.
5/12 BEVERLY MINOR Central Missionary Clearing House, Austria Pray for Beverly as she sings at Pastor Victor Rubi Sanchez’s church in Valls, Spain today, as well as at several other churches. Missionary Nancy Alonzo from Slidell, Louisiana will join her, and they will also do a couple of ladies meetings. Their travel dates continue through May 22.
5/13 BRANDY BARD (This week's blog guest) Wycliffe Bible Translators, USA Wycliffe’s Vision2025, is to have a translation program in progress in every language still needing one by the year 2025. All around the world, individual countries are achieving Vision 2025. Praise God for the over 1,000 global partners celebrating and praying for countries as they get closer to seeing the reality of all people being able to encounter Jesus through Scripture in a language and format they clearly understand.
5/14 ROSS & ROULA GEORGIOU Campus Crusade for Christ, New Zealand Pray that the GSCA 10:40 weekly prayer, which began in early April and will run for the next two months, will be taken up among chaplains and leaders. Pray that the Lord would provide people and financial resources for the Global Support Center.
5/15 DAVID & KATHY NORTH TEAM, USA/Worldwide Pray for David and Kathy as they serve in English Crossing at their church. This is a six-week ESL (English as a Second Language) course, with optional Bible Study. Twenty-seven students have already signed up. David will have Slavic students and Kathy will have Hispanic students.
5/16 MARK & JANA FAUS SIM, USA/Worldwide Pray for Mark’s preparation for his governance training trip to the Czech Republic in May. Pray he will select the correct subject materials and principles will be chosen for the new SIM Czech board. Pray for Jana as she serves as Communications Director for the SIM Health Ministries Team.
“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable,
always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.” I Corinthians
15:58 (NASB)
Our monthly Prayer &
Praise Calendar is also available on
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