Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Linda Mijangos

Linda is with the Lord. . .
Special prayers needed now for Sergio, Christian and Derek Mijangos, Linda's sister, mother and extended family. Their precious Linda graduated to glory last Friday, March 24. Please pray for the family as they hold the Celebration of Linda's Life service on Friday, March 31, 11:00 AM CT (12 noon EST) at West University Baptist Church, 6218 Auden St., Houston, TX 77005. The service will also be streamed live. 
Below is Sergio's tribute to Linda:
Linda is with the Lord . . . dear praying friends, it is with a heart full of thankfulness for your generous support that I am sending this brief update. Today (March 24) at 1:30 PM, my beloved wife Linda went to be with the Lord. Right now, she is already enjoying the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ whom she loved and served all her life. It was a beautiful moment when the Lord took her home. I was talking to her in her hospital room. While I was holding her and putting drops of water on her lips with a Q-tip, Linda briefly opened her beautiful blue eyes. I am not sure if she saw me as she had been unconscious for three days, and then her breathing became more shallow. I could see on the monitor that her heart rate was also slowing down, so I just encouraged her to relax and to join the Lord and enter into the eternal life that Jesus earned for us. We had around ten minutes just for the two of us while I could pray with her, share some Bible verses and to tell her that I love her. Then, members of the medical team came and confirmed that Linda was gone.
I am very thankful for all the support that you have given us during these more than two years. Thankful for: (1) Linda's life that touched so many people with her joyful and positive attitude, service, cookies, songs, but especially her example of a Christian life. (2) The Body of Christ, that has been so real in our lives, through our church in Guatemala and its leaders, our Bible study in Guatemala and the many wonderful people we have met in Houston during these 14 months. (3) For Derek's and Christian's visit during this week. Having them here has been a great encouragement. (4) For the visit of my friend Estuardo Salazar, an elder from our church in Guatemala, who came last night (March 23) to be with me during these very difficult days.
Once a friend from SETECA told me that Linda was for me like the sun, that my light and happiness came from her. I have to learn to live without her, my best friend and inspiration for living. May the Lord richly bless you for your support and prayers in our pilgrimage.


Thank you for walking with us through this pilgrimage.
Sergio, Derek, and Christian Mijangos

PRAYER & PRAISE ~ March 29 - April 4, 2023

3/29 Josh & Gina Bloomfield
AFC International, Australia 
Praise the Lord for the i impact of 120 new church planters whom Thona and his team are training. Last week he preached the Gospel with two new church planting teams among people where there are no other Christians and 140 people surrendered their lives to Jesus.
3/30 Keith  Patman
Wycliffe Bible Translators, USA/Central Africa 
Pray for Jaci and Keith as they prepare to join a short-term mission team to Moldova in June. Please pray for continued guidance and for peace to prevail in Moldova. The Perspectives class in Naples, Florida is going well, and Keith enjoys interacting remotely with his four students.
Byelorussian Mission, Inc., USA/Belarus/Israel 
Praise God that Revival Church in Brest, like many churches in Belarus, is growing with hundreds of new people attending and becoming followers of Christ. Pray for a safe and warm church building and for a center for national missions (Day Care Centers, Youth/Teenage Conferences, Orphan Ministry). 
4/1 Andrew & Anna Gorski 
In Touch Mission International, Poland 
Today, pastors, leaders and representatives of mission organizations will gather for the largest Church Planting Summit in Poland. The results of a Polish church planting survey collected from over 350 pastors (50% of all pastors) in Poland will be shared. Also, a draft of church planting strategy for Poland for the next five years will be prayerfully shared and discussed.
AMG International, Greece 
Pray for the Ladies Conference which will take place the first weekend of April bringing together hundreds of ladies from all over Greece. Pray for the families of victims of a tragic train accident in northern Greece where 57 young people lost their lives. Pray for the ongoing ministry in Turkey of providing food every day for thousands of the earthquake victims.
4/3 Ross & Roula Georgiou 
Campus Crusade for Christ, Germany/New Zealand 
Praise God for the ministry of discipleship across the globe with athletes of all ages and backgrounds. Thank God for new and confirmed leadership in Global Sports Sunday, Major Sports Events Chaplaincy and Coaching Leaders programs.
4/4 Al & Linda Bridges 
BEE World, USA/Worldwide 
For messages that Linda and I need to prepare for speaking in Korea in the latter part of April.  Pray that their daughter Amy, who lost her husband will be able to get her house ready to sell in April. She wants to move to Colorado to be close to us and one of her sisters.

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.” I Corinthians 15:58 (NASB) 

Our monthly Prayer & Praise Calendar is also available on 

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