Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Share Christ this CHRISTmas . . .   

            Share the JESUS Film

The following is testimony shared by the Jesus Film organization:

Throughout November, Jesus Film Project® has been celebrating an important milestone. With the translation of the JESUS film into the Zo language, we’ve reached the 2,000-languages threshold. 

To give you some perspective, the entire Bible is only available in 724 languages, and the New Testament has been translated into 1,248 languages. Keep in mind that Bible translation is currently happening in 2,846 languages in 157 countries. 

The JESUS film has played a critical role in spreading the gospel, allowing people to experience the Gospel of Luke in regions that don’t even have a written language. In fact, it may be the only “Bible” that some people will ever encounter. And the impact upon people hearing Jesus’ words spoken in their heart language cannot be overstated. 

So many reasons to be thankful 

This announcement couldn’t come at a better time than the Thanksgiving season because we have many reasons to be grateful. The JESUS film premiered in 1979 in only 250 theaters. To hit a milestone of this magnitude in under 50 years is such an achievement. Think about it—if we were to evenly space out the translations of the JESUS film over that 43-year span, that’s more than 46 translations a year!

Through the partnership of more than 1,800 ministries, people all over the globe have had an opportunity to experience the gospel, leading to more than 633 million indicated decisions to follow Jesus. 

All the while, we’ve been able to create more Jesus-centered films (in multiple translations) and a mobile app to make it easy for everyone to share the love and message of Jesus with others.

None of this would have been possible without God’s help and provision, and the assistance of:

  • Linguists
  • Translators
  • Ministry leaders
  • Native language speakers and actors
  • Engineers
  • Editors
  • Mixers
  • Fundraisers
  • Technologists
  • Missionaries
  • Jesus Film Project team members 
  • Partners
  • And many more

The 2,000th-translation landmark bears the fingerprints of so many individuals. It would be impossible to adequately thank them all. We’re eternally grateful for all their blood, sweat and tears.


PRAYER & PRAISE ~  December 7-13, 2022

12/7 Beverly Minor 
Central Missionary Clearinghouse, Austria 
As the war rages in Ukraine, so is the Gospel. Over the weekend, Pastor Rob and Mary did a leadership seminar in Mukachevo. A team drives there every week and most stay overnight for ministry. A couple from our church goes into the war zone and war-torn areas to provide counseling and to fight human trafficking. 
12/8 Larry & Peggy Anderson 
Youth Outreach United, USA 
Praise God for Y.O.U.’s ministry partner, The Mailbox Club, which designed and produced 50,000 attractive postcards which were distributed through churches and families to be inserted into children’s Trick or Treat bags on Halloween night. Pray for the children who received these.
12/9 Alan & Lynée Ward 
Wycliffe Bible Translators, USA 
An urgent prayer request is for a new Director for Alan’s group as their current one will retire in early 2023.  Praise God for the teacher orientation by Lynée’s team, producing four educators already serving missionary families in their assignments (three of them overseas). The other four hope to leave in December and January.
12/10 Diane Harrington 
e3 Partners Ministry, USA 
Rock Road Prison's Chaplain Dave Thompson announced the long-awaited news that the Spiritual Dorms would be reopening soon!  They were shut down when COVID hit two years ago.  In the Spiritual Dorms, which can house up to 40 women, volunteer teams will be able to go in three times a day allowing us to impact even more lives for Christ!
Christian Missions in Many Lands, Inc., France

Pray for more younger elders to assume leadership in their church in the

coming year, according to the Lord’s leading. A new elder joined their

church leadership. Matthias is in his late 30s and along with his wife and three

boys, are active and a wonderful spiritual influence. (The Chalvets will be at FBA's Truth & Grace Adult Life Group class this Sunday, December 11 - room 1550, during both class sessions. They will also be at the Missions desk between services. Stop by and say hello!)
12/12 Al Rhea 
Cru, USA/Southern & Eastern Africa 
Pray for Student Led Movements (SLM): national SLM leaders from several African countries will meet in Zambia during December 12-16 to discuss how the A6 project (a strategy of Korea CCC) can be used to pioneer local missions across Africa. Pray for its success.
12/13 Luis & Karen Chavarria 
Frontline Missions, USA/Latin America 
Pray for their ministry, as they continue to work in Central and South America, mainly in Honduras (leadership development & church planting), Nicaragua (oversee ministry project that generates resources to provide scholarships to help educate the next generation), and Colombia (leadership training and church planting).

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.” I Corinthians 15:58 (NASB) 

Our monthly Prayer & Praise Calendar is also available on 


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