Pick up your shoeboxes beginning this Sunday, October 23, at FBA!
PRAYER & PRAISE ~ October 19-25, 2022
10/19 David & Kathy North
Pray for protection from Covid as they
continue their travels visiting and helping the frontline workers with TEAM. Pray for wisdom
and insight in their meetings with church planters in each country. Pray there are no flight problems or
travel interruptions.
10/20 Charlie & Mary Beth Berry
(Unto), USA
Unto held a student summer mission in Tanzania that focused
on women’s health training and agriculture training. The mission team of 14
college students, seven Unto staff members, and three Tanzanian Cru staff
members traveled to four different villages during the month-long project to
follow-up on wells that Unto had drilled. While the Agriculture workshops took
place outside, the women’s health training was going on inside.
Sergio & Linda Mijangos
Ministries, Guatemala
After being residents of Texas for
six months (they arrived in January), the Mijangos can apply for patient
financial assistance and if that is granted to them, they can receive financial
coverage for the Car-T treatment that is considered the best option for Linda’s
diagnosis. They can apply for residence this month. Pray they will receive
the residence and financial assistance they earnestly need.
Brandy Ingle
Bible Translators, USA
is Brandy’s wedding day to Michael Bard. Pray that the weather will be
beautiful and that their marriage will be all they hope and pray it will be.
K & C
Middle East
for travel plans to a Presbyterian Church in Alabama early October, an
Iranian Christian Conference in Dallas (Oct. 20-23) at which K will speak three
times; and a Community Church in north Atlanta (Oct. 29-30).
Alan & Lynee Ward
Bible Translators, USA
that the Wards will have a smooth process of placing the home of Lynee’s
parents on the market, and close on their new home by December 1. Pray that all
the logistics involved will go as smoothly as possible and without any delays.
Greg & Pam Smith
International, Inc., USA/Worldwide
for the weekly Pastor’s training in Nepal, India, and Central/South America.
Pray for new relationships; for a new generation impacted by InStep and
strategic partners like FBA. Pray for Greg and Pam on October 25 – November 5, as they co-lead a group to
Israel with friends.
“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.” I Corinthians 15:58 (NASB)
Our monthly Prayer & Praise Calendar is also available on fba.org/globalmissions
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