(Stock Photo)
On July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress
unanimously adopted the Declaration of Independence, announcing the
colonies’ separation from Great Britain. The Constitution provides the legal and governmental
framework for the United States, however, the Declaration, with its eloquent assertion “all Men
are created equal,” is equally beloved by the American people. This bears
Wherever you are this Fourth of
July, remember to stop for a moment and give thanks for our founding fathers having
the courage to fight for freedom from tyranny . . . remember to be thankful for
those who have lost sons and daughters in the fights for our freedoms . . .
remember to be thankful for those whose father or mother died while fighting
for freedom. Above all, remember to thank Almighty God for allowing us to live
in America and giving us the beautiful tradition of celebrating freedom!
FBA Global Missions
FBA Family Ministries
are teaming up during
our Summer Sundays in July
to highlight these missionaries as they share with
FBA's specific age groups
- Special Needs – Greg & Jean Hines
- Preschool – Andrew & Inna Ryzhkov
- Kids - Tyler & Lara Patty
- Middle - Dale Hoskins
- High - Brian & Ariel Dicks
- College - Leah Rigsby
PRAYER & PRAISE ~ June 29-July
5, 2022
Andrew & Anna Gorski
Touch Mission International, Poland
God for a network of professional psychologists and therapists which is being
formed to deliver
workshops on dealing with trauma to give Christians an opportunity to gain
experience on how to support refugees regarding trauma they are facing. Children
Christian camps are already on their way, as well as kindergartens and
6/30 Gary
& Donna Ferch
Friends in Action International,
Pray for smooth travels for their son, Luke, and family coming
from Vietnam to STL the end of June. Pray
for God’s leading as cancer treatments continue for Gary, but foremost, for healing. Update: Sent Sunday, June 19, 2022, 6:24 PM - Gary
is in an ICU room at the hospital. Doctors
are very concerned. They’re hoping that
antibiotics and blood pressure meds will help, but they can’t give any
assurances. Going on a day-by-day basis, but we’re still praying he will rally from
7/1 Greg & Pam Smith
Global, USA/Worldwide
for the launch of the New Gospel Boat July 1 in the Philippines. The original
boat was destroyed in August 2021 by a rogue tornado. Pray also as Greg shares
about InStep Global on July 17th
at our first AIM – Adventures in Missions event since the pandemic. Pray
for InStep’s Pastor / Leader Training in Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, and
7/2 Andrew & Alecia Teeuwen
Inc., Greece
for our colleagues who are investing time and energy into serving the Ukrainian
refugees to have stamina and to be an aroma of Jesus to the people they meet.
Pray for the salvation of many. Pray for France and Bosnia which will have
summer EDGE teams coming for short-term ministry experiences and outreaches.
Missionary Clearinghouse, Austria
for Beverly today as she sings at St. Matthews Baptist Church II, in Woodville,
MS. She will remain in the States during the month of July. Also pray for her
as she restores her townhome in Atlanta, which was destroyed by a careless
tenant whom she had to evict. Pray that she can secure a new responsible renter
7/4 Doug &
Lisa Mitts
Greater Europe Mission, Frankfurt, Germany
Ask God
to empower Doug and Lisa with His Spirit as they lead their summer Ten2
participants who arrived in early June and are with them until July 23rd. Pray that the training will be fruitful in
the lives of these sixteen students, and that they will see students come to
the Lord as they share the gospel daily on campuses.
7/5 PAUL
International, Asia
Please pray for direction for two Indonesian interns who
plan/hope to come and serve in July. Pray for the Lord’s wisdom, as the Jenks
assist them to find areas where they can be most helpful in service for the
Lord, teaching and working with the students and teachers. Pray for good
language acquisition for all! Please pray for more staff for By Grace
School. Thai assistants are especially needed for the AMG hostel as their
intern from last year left at the conclusion of the last term. Finding reliable
Christian help in Thailand with only 1% Christians is so difficult.
“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable,
always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.” I Corinthians
15:58 (NASB)