Wednesday, March 9, 2022

March 9, 2022

 At the Crossroads . . . a place of Hope!

At the crossroads between the Middle East and Europe, sits the country of Greece.  As many people are fleeing the Middle Eastern countries to find a final destination in a European country, they pass through Greece. The oceans they brave are ominous, the terrains they travel are treacherous, the routes they choose are risky  . . . but yet, they must continue. Where can they find help? Where can they find people who care? Where is hope?

                       A dangerously overcrowded boat arrives on the shores of the Greek island of Lesvos. Photo courtesy

AMG Greece and the CosmoVision Center (CVC) are there, located at a crossroad for many people traveling from the Middle East to settle in Europe. They are fulfilling a calling to serve the world, thus Cosmo – Vision. CosmoVision is a center hub for training and ministry outreach.

People in transit from Greece to other European countries, find themselves "stuck" in temporary housing or refugee camps all around the country for weeks, months and most often years; it varies. AMG Greece has found ways to interact with the refugees and assist with training, teaching, employment, and new opportunities. They also provide clothing, food, and other needs. 

They have a motto: “We don’t just give handouts, we share life with them. We don't just give them food, we eat with them.”

They only have a brief time to share life with them and find ways to build relationships that can lead to a saving knowledge of the Only One who can save them. 

Faith Promise Missionary Mihalis shared a story of a Syrian couple and their three kids, with whom they invested their lives for three years. Just at the time they were close to making decisions for the Lord and becoming a vital employee within a ministry working to help displaced women, they decided to move to Germany. Mihalis asked them to stay in touch and let him know where they would settle. Sometime later, Mihalis received a visitor from Germany at CVC on a Sunday afternoon. He shared how they use a particular program to evangelize those of other religions. It happened to be the same material that CVC and its partners had used with this family for the three years they were with them. He also discovered that this visitor from Germany was only a few minutes from where this family settled. He helped them find a church. They came to the Lord and together with the pastor, Mihalis was able to visit Germany and help baptize this couple.

AMG Greece recently developed a new partnership with GAIN, which brings humanitarian aid to the CosmoVision Center in Greece every three months. When this program first started over a year ago, they needed a logistical person to manage this full-time job and now they have Costas handling that; a new colleague on board now for the last year.

Lavrio is a town a half-hour from CosmoVision. AMG Greece is currently the ministry operating in this small town where three refugee camps now reside. For the past five years, there was a large government assisted camp also in this area, but this past summer it was closed as refugees were moved to more "detention center" like camps throughout the country.  However, when one door closes, ten more open. Hence, Hope10, below.

Hope10 –  an NGO operating ten different accommodations with refugees; one of these buildings is ten minutes from CVC. Since June 2021, they have been hosting day events, family programs and youth athletic events. On these days, the NGO actually brings them to CVC by BUS and they spend the day being cared for, share a meal together, receive food, clothing or hygiene items. Recently CVC has started a weekly English class IN their building.

Creative Hands – is a sewing and weaving company started by AMG Greece partners. They work to train and then hire women to work with them and it gives them a chance to earn money for their families and restore dignity. Handmade goods are also offered through an online store.

Home Spot Sharesharing what they have with people (food/clothes) versus giving. Sharing preserves the people’s dignity.

Home Spot Trades – bring refugees (mostly men) to stay three to four days; work in the facility, learn skills and this also helps to develop the facility.

CosmoVision Center Sports Academy – offers a connection to the community through a sports academy; an athletic program tailored to include locals and refugees.

Home Spot Communitythey are working to reach not just the refugees, but also the community around their center, so they are partnering with a Swiss communications company through GAIN to train refugees and local youth online. The company provided twenty laptop computers. They teach English to those who speak other languages, such as Persian, Kurdish, Arabic, and French.

First Baptist Atlanta’s partnership with the CosmoVision Center began in 2001 with FBA’s Singles Ministry that sent one team each year to Greece from 2001-2004 to help build the CosmoVision Center leading up to the Olympics in 2004. The picture below is from our team that served in 2010 in Greece. We sent another team to Greece in 2018 and look forward to future opportunities to continue this fruitful partnership in the days ahead! 

Opportunity to Partner with the CVC THIS Summer . . .

The CosmoVision Center has several Volunteer needs this summer including: Sports Interns, Kitchen Volunteers and Climbing Wall Repair. To learn more, contact Stephanie Kozick at   

 Photos courtesy of


PRAYER & PRAISE - March 9-15, 2022 

OM, USA/Worldwide 
Praise God that through their social media outreach in 2021, OM's ads had a total reach of 3.6 million and more than 1,650 people requested a face-to-face visit to receive a New Testament. Pray for the ongoing follow-up visits and the 2022 social media outreach which is underway now. Personally, pray for Rita as the doctors have transitioned her to drug therapy through two different pills. Pray that her application to Pfizer Foundation will be accepted to receive this medication for free as it costs now $3000/month which their insurance does not cover.
3/10 T & A 
Central Asia
Pray for the various ministry opportunities: mentoring leaders, discipling believers, conducting training, developing materials, anything to contribute to advancing God's kingdom among Central Asians.
Wycliffe Bible Translators, USA/Central Africa
Praise God that the two language teams were all present and accounted for at CABTAL in early February. The teams were ready to work, and had only minor glitches in the internet connection, allowing them to make good progress.
Friends in Action International, USA/Bolivia 
Gary has begun another round of chemo treatment infusions again for gallbladder cancer. Please pray for God’s healing grace. Additionally, pray that they will be able to finish construction on the Training Center’s housing project this Spring. 
Frontline Missions, Honduras
Pray for Greg and Jean today as they are the special guests for FBA’s AIM (Adventures in Missions) Zoom call from 5-6 PM EST. See below for the Zoom log-in details.
3/14 Gary & Esther Smith 
Ethnos360, Papua New Guinea
Praise God for the safe arrival of the D family. Prior to their arrival, Gary was able to get to the tribe for a week and enjoyed seeing the believers again and interacting with the elders and Bible teachers. Due to some unforeseen circumstances, they had to rearrange plans for two events and move them to this month.
3/15 R & C 
Changes have been made to the ministry based on the current situation in their former ministry country. R is now the acting administrative assistant to their new cluster leader. He has been very busy helping set up cluster sites, links, and many other tasks. R and C are now serving in their last stateside and have a retirement date set for August of this year. 

Mark your calendar!

THIS Sunday, March 13 - Adventures in Missions


5-6 PM EST

  Greg & Jean Hines, Special Guests

   Faith Promise Missionaries

 Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 889 9964 5886

Passcode: 737980


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