What is a Faith Promise? 
Here at First Baptist Atlanta, our Global Missions Ministry
began supporting our missionaries in 1979 through Faith Promise giving. On the
FBA offering envelopes, it is the line that says, “Global Missions – Faith
Promise". This is how we help support our 82 Faith Promise missionaries.
A Faith Promise is:
Believing that God desires every person to hear and respond
to the Gospel.
Committing by faith my resources to be used for spreading
the Gospel through missionary involvement.
Promising by faith to give over and above what God requires
through the tithe.
Giving by faith allowing God to either provide the finances
or to rearrange my priorities to provide the amount I have committed to give.
Anticipating God blessing my faithfulness and expecting Him
to broaden my vision and use me to lead people of “every tongue and nation”
into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
Download the “Unreached of the Day” App
The Joshua Project is a research organization that focuses on reaching the unreached.
They have spent decades researching every unreached people group in the world.
app is one of the easiest ways to expand your vision and passion for
unreached peoples. Every day, the “Unreached of the Day” app presents a
photo, map, basic statistics, and prayer items for a different unreached
people group.
At the bottom of the app, it lets you know how many are currently praying with you.
Jeremy downloaded the "Unreached of the Day” app and every week at his Bible study,
someone in his group reads the people group profile and they pray for the unreached
people group. What an unbelievable tool we have in our pocket with excellent content
and prayer points to pray every single day! Click below to download the app.
PRAYER & PRAISE - December 1-7, 2021
of Life Fellowship (WOLF), Hungary
for Bela and Ildiko as they travel from New York State to California, meeting
with friends and supporters along the way while they are on furlough in the
U.S. They will be traveling through mid-January. They hope to visit
Atlanta sometime in early December.
2 Sergio & Linda Mijangos
Avant Ministries, Guatemala
Linda is doing an evangelistic Christmas Brunch for the ladies in her
neighborhood. Pray for Linda’s last two chemotherapy treatments, December 6
& 7 - for maximum effectiveness with minimum side effects, and complete healing.
Pray for Sergio's strength.
3 Keith & Rita Haywood
Mobilization, USA/Worldwide
remember Rita in your prayers. She has been diagnosed with breast cancer and
chemo treatments are needed to get it under control. She will have chemo
treatments once a week for the next 12 weeks (through January). Prayers will be
appreciated to cover all those weeks.
4 Andrew & AlEcia Teeuwen
Pioneers, Greece
will be leading the Albanian women’s Bible study. Pray that the ladies will be strengthened in
their faith. Pray for the distribution of 2022 tear-off daily calendars with
Bible texts and a short message. This is a wonderful evangelistic tool. Please
pray for the Albanian church, which continues to grow through the addition of
new believers. Pray for strong faith, unity, a powerful witness to the
community, and the new discipleship group offered.
5 Erin & Jay
Mobilization, USA/Worldwide
Erin has just over two weeks left of work with OM before she goes on maternity leave for baby
#2, due December 22. During this time, she is permanently transitioning some of her roles to other people, as well as finishing up projects. Pray for good endings and smooth transitions as she prepares to step away from ministry to focus on their new baby (and Grayson) for a few months. After maternity leave, she plans to return to her role as global content strategist and writer with OM in April 2022. Please pray for these next few weeks to be fruitful and peaceful.
6 Greg & Pam Smith
InStep Global, USA/Worldwide
Praise God for the five-day ministry sprint in
Mexico where God was at work among their church partners. Dr. Javier Espinoza,
and Dr. Greg Smith spent the day with Pastors Yvves and Yolanda Malcotte of
Ministerio SYM Church, and together they taped four 30-minute leadership
lessons that will be broadcast through Mexico and parts of Africa; that evening
they led an appreciation and renewal service for 100 pastors who co-hosted the
Upper Room virtual concert/crusade; they trained almost 200 pastors on the
Healthy Church series; and trained and led over 150 business leaders to move
Beyond Success to a work of significance. They witnessed many recommitments to
the Lord and many salvations.
Edner & Dominique Jeanty
God that Edner is healed after spending 25 days in the hospital. Pray that his
strength will be restored. Please continue to pray for their country, as well.
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