Wednesday, December 22, 2021

God With Us / Prayer & Praise - Dec. 22, 2021 - Jan. 4, 2022



Prayer & Praise ~ December 22, 2021 - January 4, 2022

12/22 Gary & Esther Smith 
Ethnos360, Papua New Guinea 
Pray for Esther who is experiencing intense dizziness from Ménière's disease. Pray for healing. Also, pray for Gary as he ministers to people through conflict resolution. It involves a very exhausting level of emotional and spiritual output. Pray that the Lord empowers him with strength and renewed energy each time he must conduct these sessions.
12/23 Andrew & Inna Ryzhkov 
Byelorussian Mission, Inc., USA/Belarus/Israel 
The Bible matching fund initiative has been completed! Praise God they collected enough funding to print 30k Bibles and materials needed for the year ahead!! God is so good! Because Bibles and Christian literature are given to all they meet in Belarus, it is vital that these Bible printing drives are conducted each year to help continue to distribute God’s Word to everyone.
12/24 Mark & Jana Faus 
SIM, USA/Worldwide
Mark continues to provide consultation and training in governance to SIM ministries and other    non-profit humanitarian organizations. Pray that he would have wisdom in the provision of this assistance so that the ministries can become more efficient and effective.
12/25 David & Kathy North 
TEAM, USA/Worldwide  
Pray for David as he administers an online course on Connecting with the People in Church Planting. Pray as they begin making plans for the new year that the Lord will open doors and countries so they can again travel and minister to workers around the world.Continue to pray as they develop their training plans for church planting coaches in TEAM.
12/26 Fotis & Mary Romeos 
AMG International, Greece
Pray for glorious results from the various Christmas programs held during Dec. 10-23. Pray also for the Winter Youth Camp at CVC during Dec. 27-31. Pray these will be a blessing to all who attend.
12/27 Keith & Jaci Patman 
Wycliffe Bible Translators, USA/Central Africa
Pray for the team of Nugunu translators who will take part in a multi-language workshop series for translating the OT. One of the other translation teams that will participate is Yambeta, with whom Keith worked on the completion of their NT a few years ago. Thank you for upholding in prayer the ongoing progress of God’s Word in African languages!
12/28 R & B 
Central Africa 
Pray for them as they resume their ministry in Central Africa after being on furlough in the US for the last several months.
12/29 Paul & Lois Jenks 
AMG International, USA/Asia
Praise the Lord that Paul and Lois were able to secure two-year work permit extensions that cover them until July of 2023, and they were able to have their visas extended as well.  So, from a Thai government perspective, they are good to go until the middle of next year when they hope the Covid-19 crisis will have subsided. 

12/30 Mark & Pat Terry

Cru, USA
Pray the Lord will protect the teachers in Moldova and other countries where ISP (International School Project) is working from the attacks of the enemy as they make a difference for Christ and will keep them safe and healthy.
12/31 T & A 
Central Asia 
Pray for the woman from the local women's ministry team A works with each week, adjusting and preparing their parenting curriculum. The team has been granted a center from which to reach out to the women of this country, so the women have been looking for ways to enter the community with needed topics.


1/1/2022 GREG & PAM SMITH
InStep International, Inc., USA/Worldwide 
Today, InStep and their church partners will launch The Nehemiah Project – a strategy that is designed to host a revival service each Friday – for 52 consecutive weeks. Over 240 churches and pastors have accepted the vision in Central America and the excitement continues to grow. Their goal is to empower and expect a great work of God to transform their communities and countries. Pray for salvation of the lost and the strategy that allows many to participate.
1/2 Mark & Jana Faus 
SIM, USA/Worldwide 
Pray for the Lord to provide a good rainy season and bountiful harvest for southern Angola. The region and people are suffering from famine and malnutrition conditions. Pray for wisdom in Mark's work of providing governance consultation and training amongst SIM's global ministries. Pray for wisdom for Jana in her role of managing the communications on the SIM Health Ministries Team.
1/3 Paul and Lois Jenks 
AMG International, Asia
Please pray for Paul as he will have hip replacement surgery today. Pray he will be able to regain mobility without pain. Originally, they were planning to return to Thailand in January, but will now postpone until his full recovery from surgery.
Operation Mobilization (OM), USA/Worldwide
Please continue to pray for Rita Haywood who is receiving the chemo treatments through January each Tuesday. Prayers are much appreciated to cover each week. 

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.” I Corinthians 15:58 (NASB)

Please note the monthly Prayer & Praise Calendar is also available on


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