Wednesday, November 3, 2021

The Persecuted Church / Prayer & Praise Nov. 3-9, 2021


Each year in November, believers observe a special time of prayer and intercession for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are facing extreme discrimination, abuse, prison, or even martyrdom for their faith. We invite you to join Christians around the world on November 7, 2021, for the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. 
“Indeed, we felt that we had received the sentence of death. But that was to make us rely not on ourselves but on God who raises the dead. He delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us. On him we have set our hope that he will deliver us again. You also must help us by prayer, so that many will give thanks on our behalf for the blessing granted us through the prayers of many” (2 Corinthians 1:9-11, ESV). 
Submitted by Lynne Rienstra, Regional Director, SAMARITAN'S PURSE  

More than 300 million Christians live in countries where persecution of the Church is at very high or extreme levels. Samaritan’s Purse works in some of these difficult areas across the globe, often in places where Christians are a minority and face hardships for their commitment to Jesus—places like Niger and the Middle East.
We stand alongside our brothers and sisters in Christ by providing them with essential aid such as shelter, rental assistance, food, medical help, or vocational training. We also engage in construction projects for Christian families and for churches in need, as well as work with the persecuted Church in difficult countries through Operation Christmas Child.
When Samaritan’s Purse comes alongside local churches, we are fulfilling the key purpose of our organization: to serve the church worldwide to promote the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. As our brethren are strengthened, they take the Gospel to their communities with boldness.


Middle East Persecution Rises  

Open Doors released its 2021 World Watch List, indicating an increase for several Middle Eastern countries. Most notably, Turkey now ranks 25, moving up nine spots from last year’s report. 

Find out more at 

Turkey continues to face persecution in the form of Islamic oppression, as with most other Middle Eastern countries. However, increased violence, nationalism, and church conversions, along with targeting of international Christians within its borders indicated a jump from 36 to 25. ICC previously reported on the challenges Christians face in Turkey, highlighting the Hagia Sofia church conversion, political leverage of Christians and the pushing of a Turkish identity that alienates and incites violence against Christians.

Turkey’s international involvement and pressure also was cited as a reason for Iraq’s move up four spaces to number 11. Violence, particularly towards Muslim-Background Believers, is a key factor.

Persecution against Muslim-Background Believers also rose in Iran while jailing and restrictions on the ability to express one’s Christian faith remained a present threat. Iran moves up one spot to number 8 this year. The COVID-19 spread caused some jailed believers to be released while others cases were continued out.

Egypt remained at spot 16. Notable changes were the move from the source of persecution as Islamic oppression to dictatorial paranoia. ISIS and terror threats are no longer the main threat against believers, according to the report. Instead, persecution comes from neighbors, family members and the community.

The largest decrease in rankings for the Middle East region was Algeria from 17 to 24. While the same issues of persecution against Muslim-Background Believers and church closures remained, the decrease in violence caused Open Doors to re-evaluate its rankings. However, daily life for Algerian Christians has not drastically improved.

·         Pray that all forms of persecution against Church and Christians in Turkey and the Middle East would come to an end soon.

·         Pray that the legal rights of all Muslim Background Believers in Turkey and the Middle East would be restored in their countries and society.

·         Pray that the Gospel of Jesus Christ would be preached even more powerfully in the midst of all these persecutions.



In the top 50 countries, there are at least one dozen of our FBA supported 
missionaries ministering in or to people in those countries.
PRAYER & PRAISE - November 3-9, 2021

11/3 Alan & Lynee Ward 

Wycliffe Bible Translators, USA 
Nine teachers participated this summer in the GECO teacher orientation that Lynee’s team holds each year. Two are already teaching in Mexico and Cambodia, and several others are busy building partnership teams so that they can go to Cameroon, Mexico, and Papua New Guinea to teach. Praise God that Alan’s team released a major update to four Roman fonts, Charis, Doulos, Gentium, and Andika, used by hundreds of minority languages needing Bible translation in the Americas, Europe, Russia, the Pacific, and much of Africa. 
AMG International, Greece
Special prayers requested for AMG International Staff Retreat during Nov. 4-6; for the GHO medical team serving in Athens among refugees during Nov. 12-21; and for a trip in the northern part of Greece for various ministry projects during Nov. 26-28. Please also pray for Jonathan’s dismissal from the Greek army after he completed his service (which is mandatory for all Greek males.) Pray for an upcoming surgery on his dislocated shoulder.
11/5 Larry & Peggy Anderson 
Youth Outreach United, USA 
Pray for Larry in the passing of his mother last week. Please continue to pray that Larry’s strength would be returned. As recipients of your prayers, the power and significance of prayer on behalf of other individuals was greatly appreciated.
11/6 R & B 
Central Africa 
R & B received approval both from Elliot's CF doctor and from TEAM to return to their ministry country! They will arrive in early November. Pray for them as they transition. 
11/7 Bennett & Idong Ekandem 
North American Mission Board, USA
Please pray for the newly arrived refugees to find healing in Christ Jesus. Also pray that God will give Bennett & Idong wisdom to know how to minister to them effectively. Pray for the children in the Ekandems’ after-school program to accept Jesus into their hearts. Please pray that the Lord will provide a permanent or long-term space so they can assist more families consistently.
11/8 Tim & Kathy Cummins 
Whirlwind Missions, Inc., USA 
Pray for safety from Covid for the children they minister to in the apartments. All their work with the children is outside, and they all wear masks. Pray for them asking Jesus into the heart as their personal Savior. Pray that their ministry and financial support will grow stronger. Pray for wisdom regarding transportation needs and that someone may have a car they can use. Praise that $3,500 has been raised toward a car.
11/9 Gary & Donna Ferch 
Friends in Action International, USA/Bolivia  
One year ago, Gary was diagnosed with gall bladder cancer which had spread to his liver, lungs, and lymph glands. This was stage four inoperable cancer, due to how far it had spread. His latest CT scan reveals that the cancer appears to be in remission! The blood work also supports this conclusion. This is a miraculous improvement in eight weeks of taking the new chemo infusions. He will begin three more months of the new chemo treatment. Pray that he can endure the side effects and for his healing.

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.” I Corinthians 15:58 (NASB)  

The monthly Prayer & Praise Calendar is also available on




NOVEMBER 14 - 21 




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