Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Curriculum translation: essential for multiplication / Prayer & Praise - Nov. 10-16, 2021

Curriculum Translation: essential for multiplication 

  BEE Courses

In East Asia, the facilitator made the statement that the pastor was a "poor" preacher. When the translator communicated this to the students, it was clear there was confusion on their faces. Why? The facilitator meant to convey that the pastor was not a good preacher* while the translator communicated he did not have very much money.

These "lost in translation" moments can happen without continual review. Accurate translation of biblical materials is a critical component of BEE World's hardworking curriculum department. Currently, they manage many translations in 12 languages (with three more languages waiting). 

BEE World has 30 courses written in English that cover a range of subjects—books of the Bible, theology, and Christian lifestyle issues like marriage and parenting. This curriculum is easy to use and is written for cross-denominational use because it relies on scripture to teach.

However, to avoid lost in translation moments and for national networks of biblical training to be established, the curriculum must first be translated into a language familiar to the students. 

A team of three to four part-time Christian translators who can read and write in both English and the target language is hired. Then a small group of trained Church leaders is gathered to review the curriculum for theological accuracy. Finding these skilled people is best done by church leaders in the area, as they can connect with people immersed in the target language and its cultural nuances.

The team of translators can work for years translating multiple courses for use in their local communities, taking time away from primary jobs and families for this important task.

God also uses translation as a means to bring    the ones doing the work closer to Him, providing them with the means to support themselves and their families. 

Harry from Haiti, says, “(translating) the Christian Family course (into French) helped me raise my three sons as a better Christian father.” 
Your faithful partnership enables us to train and equip church leaders with the resources they need to lead and minister well in their community and beyond. We appreciate your part in BEE World’s invaluable and ongoing translation work. Thank you!

Millions of church leaders around the world have little to no biblical training. BEE World launches national training networks to equip these leaders, resulting in healthy churches with biblical depth and mature believers.


Join us this Sunday for AIM Zoom Meeting ~ Nov. 14, 2021 

Topic: Adventures in Missions

“Justin & Krista Clermont with Africa Inland Mission”

Time: Nov 14, 2021, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 812 7955 5502

Passcode: 947154

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PRAYER & PRAISE - November 10-16, 2021

11/10 Oli & Judy Jacobsen 
Ethnos360, USA/Asia 
Pray for the Jacobsens as they continue their ministry from home, following six weeks in the Faroes, for the time being, until Covid settles down more in Asia, allowing them to once again travel. They are thankful for the opportunity to connect with family, friends, and supporters while in the Faroes.
11/11 Linda Summer  
The Agape Puppets, USA/Worldwide 
Pray for their New Albanian Team, the young people and adults who trained for eight hours of specialized training, in addition to coming to the shows. They have true passion and great joy for this work, and surely God will use them to bless tens of thousands of children.
11/12 Rick & Elisabeth Arnold 
Pioneers, Inc., West Africa
Pray for the unique S people group whom they serve; for men struggling with isolation and duty to family, for women longing to have children and are facing pressure from the community, and for believers struggling with poverty and persecution.
11/13 Julie Roseboom 
Ethnos360, Asia Pacific 
Pray for three students who are waiting to return, and for five teachers who are waiting for visas to return or come for the first time. Your continued prayers are appreciated!
Operation Mobilization (OM), USA/Worldwide 
Please pray for Keith and Rita, as she has recently discovered that she has cancer. Pray for strength and endurance as she will have treatments weekly on Tuesdays through January.
11/15 J & K 
Central Africa 
Please pray that the Father would guide the words that J & K speak as they share with different supporting churches and friends. Continue to pray for their team members in Central Africa who are laboring on faithfully.
11/16 K & C
Middle East/USA

Praise God because of your prayers and support, K has been able to teach sound theology, Biblical truths and church history and historical theology issues, and several of the students are now continuing in serving the Lord in quality teaching.


Thank you for your faithful prayers for our Faith Promise Missionaries each week. If you're interested in knowing more about one of the missionaries you have prayed for, we have a program called MAP (Missionary Adoption Program) where we match church members with a missionary serving in an area of the world, or in a field of ministry, that is of particular interest to you for the purpose of praying for and encouraging that missionary. Interested? Find out more at



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