A Story of Thankfulness by Gary & Donna Ferch
Tuesday, Pastor Rafael, Missionary Iver Suarez, and Pastor Saúl Peralta drive
out to the small Amazon village of “Premiero de Mayo” for teaching from 7 to
9:30. Saul said there are now over 40 believers meeting together.
Saul's new 2018 Toyota Hilux
cold in Northern Bolivia and Covid continues on a rampage, but our coworkers
continue to teach the new believers and leaders faithfully each week. Rafael
says, “I’m so grateful to be a part of this team and for the work going on to
reach this previously unreached area of the jungle.”
Iver mentioned how grateful he was for a ride in Saul’s new truck in the wickedly cold weather, “It’s so great to travel in a “warm” pickup instead of my moto. PTL! Thank you for your help in providing it.”
Iver mentioned how grateful he was for a ride in Saul’s new truck in the wickedly cold weather, “It’s so great to travel in a “warm” pickup instead of my moto. PTL! Thank you for your help in providing it.”
sends his thanks to all who had a part in helping him
reconstruct his house. His roof was leaking in 10 places! Now look
at these pictures of the new roof…
Before . . . . and After!
Pastor Saul
called in July saying they would begin a major evangelistic outreach once again
among the Chaco people near Riberalta.
There are now 60 people meeting in the newly established church! $5000 is needed for this project of
providing food and medication for the poorest of folk in Bolivia. Again, Saul, Iver and Rafael will be in the middle of
this evangelistic outreach, along with Dr Pablo who recently joined our team of
Pablo Saul Peralta Iver
Suarez Rafael Rivero
Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his steadfast love
endures forever! Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he has
redeemed from trouble and gathered in from the lands, from the east and
from the west, from the north and from the south. Some wandered in
desert wastes, finding no way to a city to dwell in; hungry and thirsty,
their soul fainted within them. Then they cried to the LORD in their
trouble, and he delivered them from their distress. He led them by a
straight way till they reached a city to dwell in. Let them thank the
LORD for his steadfast love, for his wondrous works to the children of
man! Psalm 107:1-8
PRAYER & PRAISE - November 24-30, 2021
11/24 Andrew & Anna Gorski
Touch Mission International, Poland
Pray that
the Gorski family will be able to raise additional monthly support. The
inflation in Poland is the highest in 20 years. Pray for wisdom for leaders for
the beginning of a new 501(c)(3) in the US, “Impact Poland” focused on helping
Polish ministries. Pray for Monika, their newly hired media person. Her job
will be very difficult – to run long campaigns on building awareness of
evangelicals in Poland. Also pray for wisdom for national collaboration
T & A
Central Asia
a village recently visited, most believers there came to faith between 2004 and
2010. They have faced ostracism from their relatives and persecution from the
authorities. But they have stood the test and are more solid in their faith
because of it. Pray they will have freedom
from fear and know daily the peace that passes understanding and joy that no
one can take away. Pray they will be filled with power and wisdom to continue
to spread the good news to their people!
Joshua &
Gina Bloomfield
AFC International, Australia
Approximately one-third of the world's last remaining
unreached linguistic groups exist in the South Pacific. Please pray for
Joshua and his team as they begin immediately working with Sunia and the Bible
Society of the South Pacific to train and coach local ministry
leaders in how to start disciple making movements among the
unreached tribes of their countries. Pray
as they structure this exciting new relationship over the coming weeks and
that God would provide the funds necessary for this initiative to
move forward and be effective.
& Silvana Shaw
Evangelistic Fellowship, Ireland/Worldwide
for the Shaws today as they are involved in doing programs for three hours
along with a Gospel band, during a Christmas tree light ceremony. Praise God
For the churches they’ve been able to help during and coming out of the
lockdowns in Ireland and Scotland, as well as the school opportunities they’ve
had and are looking forward to this Fall.
11/28 Gary & Penny
United World Mission, England
Pray as Rail Pastors are
continuing to engage weekly with passengers and station staff as part of the
suicide prevention partnership with British Transport Police and rail
companies. Shalom school’s old classroom building has been
transformed by your generosity! The guardians and parents were invited to
gather at Shalom Primary school to hear exciting news that their child could
now study further in senior school. They never imagined such a program!
11/29 Sergio & Linda Mijangos
Ministries, Guatemala
for Linda’s
chemotherapy treatments - for maximum effectiveness with minimal side effects,
complete healing, strength, and healthy nutrition. Praise the Lord the
Counseling Center continues to function on Zoom and Linda has been able to
continue to see clients.
T & D
& D started teaching classes the day after they returned so it has been
good for them to have classes to prepare for and teach. All their classes
are online for this month so it worked out great that they could teach via Zoom
like all the other teachers.