Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Thank you for praying . . .


Prayer & Praise Oct. 6-12, 2021

10/6 Bill & Joy Carrera 
Wycliffe Bible Translators, Peru 
The Carreras thank you for your prayers and encouragement during these past few weeks since they let us know of Joy's recent biopsy results that showed Joy's cancer had returned. Praise God her insurance gave the approval to cover her new oral targeted cancer medication treatment. The doctor is very optimistic that this treatment will put her cancer into remission. A PET scan in October should show the effectiveness of this new treatment. Please pray!
10/7 Graciela Guerrero 
Source of Light Ministries International, usa/Worldwide  
Since learning and believing the truth of the Gospel, Graciela’s mission has been to bring the Truth to all who are really seeking God – not a religion to hold into. That is why she is writing a booklet entitled Salvation, which is almost completed. Please pray for her as she works to finish the booklet and bring others to a true understanding of Christ’s love. Graciela has several areas on her leg that are infected from bites of two dogs which attacked her. Pray for her healing.   
10/8 Fotis & Mary Romeos 
AMG International, Greece  
Pray for the thousands of fire victims who have lost their homes from the recent wildfire in Greece. Pray for the plans organized by the small evangelical community to serve the needs of fire victims, and for the teams which will line up to help fire victims in the following months. Pray for the CMDA medical team serving in northern Greece October 9-17.
AMG International, Asia
Pray for the Jenks as they travel October 9-12. Pray there is no contact with Covid during this international trip. Pray for Paul as he officiates at a wedding for the first time on October 24.
TMS Global, USA
Pray for their online schooling as students are about to finish the courses for the Certificate and will begin the Diploma of Christian Ministry (DCM) on October 10, 2021. They are planning to include students from other countries like Europe for the Diploma course (DCM).
10/11 Rick & Mary Lynn Atherton 
Campus Crusade for Christ, South Africa
For over a year now, Mary Lynn has been fighting infections. Please pray that God guides the medical staff, and that healing will take place through the Spirit, so that these constant infections can be averted.
TEAM, USA/Worldwide
The Norths will lead a Church Planter Roundtable Gathering Oct. 12-13 for TEAM missionaries around the world. Pray that many Church Planters will be encouraged and enabled through this.


Thank you for your faithful prayers for our Faith Promise Missionaries each week. If you're interested in knowing more about one of the missionaries you have prayed for, we have a program called MAP (Missionary Adoption Program) where we match church members with a missionary serving in an area of the world, or in a field of ministry, that is of particular interest to you for the purpose of praying for and encouraging that missionary. Interested? Find out more at


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