Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Prayer & Praise Sept. 8-14, and Paul & Karan Davis' story

Cru, USA/Africa 
The executive men’s group resumes face to face gatherings rather than Zoom meetings today. They will study the parables of Jesus. 
Greater Europe Mission, Poland/Europe 
Pray for God to mightily use an outreach in Frankfurt that includes training creative artists to reach the immigrant background peoples residing here coming from troubled areas of our world. An arts camp and outreach will take place from September 9-19, 2021. Ask God to invite many to follow Jesus as His disciples through this effort.
AMG International, Asia 
From September 10 onward – the Jenks will be applying for another one-year visa to be able to stay in Thailand. Pray they will find favor with the immigration officials in their province and be granted this visa with minimal trouble. Praise God they were able to renew their two-year work permits after returning to their village. Pray that they will be an encouragement to their coworkers and the local community there. 
North American Mission Board, USA 
Please pray for strength as the Ekandem family recovers from Covid. Pray for their monthly food distribution in Clarkston on September 11. Food and diapers are given out to struggling families, the Gospel is shared, and prayers are given over willing and receptive hearts. 
9/12 Bill & Joy Boerop 
World Thrust International, USA/Worldwide 
Praise the Lord for His faithfulness in making it possible for WTI’s founder to celebrate 70 years in ministry this year. It started in Belgium with Christian Literature Crusade and Youth for Christ, followed by service with Greater Europe Mission. In 1981, burdened that many local churches didn’t know the joy and blessings of being involved in world evangelization, Bill Boerop launched World Thrust International.
TEAM, France
Pray for Paul as he leads a regional church strategy meeting today at the Pontcharra Church. The Gospel Choir will resume practices this same day. Pray for a new pastoral couple called to the Albertville Church, with their official installation service on September 19th. Paul will give the keynote message.(See their story below.)
Wycliffe Bible Translators, USA/Central Africa 
Pray for Keith as he is scheduled to begin checking the translation of five New Testament books in the Nuasué and Numala languages of Cameroon, via the internet, working daily for about a week and a half.


One tree, three neighbors . . .

We woke up to a loud crash, followed by a second one a few moments later. “What was that?” we wondered! A huge tree from our land had uprooted and fallen across the public path behind our house (left photo)! Thankfully no one was walking there at that time. Now we had to figure out how to clear the path!

A while back I had seen a man going down the path on a very old makeshift vehicle. He seemed to know what to do in these situations, but I didn't know his name nor his address. If anyone did know, it would be a neighbor down the road who grew up here. I had tried to greet him several times, but only got a strained half grin in return. He was not excited about new people in his neighborhood!

I saw him outside, so I decided to try again. “Bonjour Monsieur.” No reaction.  A big smile, two more “bonjours" and a request for help finally got his attention. I told him about the fallen tree and asked if he knew the person with the vehicle. “You mean Laurent,” he replied. He said that Laurent lived nearby, but that I should go through his mother, another neighbor just down the road. So, I walked to Laurent’s mother’s house and rang the doorbell. I told her about the fallen tree, the other neighbor’s referral, and asked if her son could help. She picked up the phone and called him. He could come later that day.

Meanwhile, the first neighbor was already at the tree with his chainsaw and was cutting the bulk of what was blocking the path. He then told me about living here when there were few houses and lots of vineyards. Later, Laurent arrived with his vehicle. Our son Ben (who was here visiting with his family), and Laurent made an excellent team as they used cables and pulleys to totally clear the pathway (middle photo). We then had good talks with Laurent and his mother who had come to watch. Thanks to one fallen tree, we got to know three neighbors!

Paul and Karan Davis



Make Plans Now to Join us for Our

September 2021 Adventures in Missions

Zoom Gathering this Sunday, September 12th from 5 PM – 6PM 

with Faith Promise Missionary, Dale Hoskins

serving as a Translation Consultant and Team Leader with Seed Company, a Wycliffe Bible Translators affiliate that is at the cutting edge of bringing the Bible to people who have never had God’s Word in a language they understand.


Here are the Zoom log-in details;

Topic: Adventures in Missions

Time: Sunday, September 12, 2021 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


Join Zoom Meeting 


Meeting ID: 881 5000 0149 

Passcode: 009736


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September 2021 is Culture Month at FBA Global Missions!

Join our FBA Missions Facebook Group and YouTube Channel to be a part of Culture Month during September 2021 at FBA! 

Hear from our Faith Promise Missionaries from around the world and learn first-hand about the cultures where they live and serve!

Leah Rigsby, Papua New Guinea 🇵🇬                             Edner Jeanty, Haiti 🇭🇹

John North, Australia 🇦🇺                                                Gary & Penny Seithel 🇬🇧

And more!


We look forward to seeing you there!

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