Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Prayer & Praise Sept. 15-21 and Evangelism Explosion Brazil


September 2021 is Culture Month at FBA Global Missions!

Join our FBA Missions Facebook Group and YouTube Channel to be a part of Culture Month during September 2021 at FBA! 

Hear from our Faith Promise Missionaries from around the world and learn first-hand about the cultures where they live and serve!

Leah Rigsby, Papua New Guinea 🇵🇬                             Edner Jeanty, Haiti 🇭🇹

John North, Australia 🇦🇺                                                Gary & Penny Seithel 🇬🇧

And more!


We look forward to seeing you there!

Thank you for your faithful prayers for our Faith Promise Missionaries each week. If you're interested in knowing more about one of the missionaries you have prayed for, we have a program called MAP (Missionary Adoption Program) where we match church members with a missionary serving in an area of the world, or in a field of ministry, that is of particular interest to you for the purpose of praying for and encouraging that missionary. Interested? Find out more at

9/15 Graciela Guerrero
Source of Light Ministries, USA/Worldwide
Graciela is hopefully and prayerfully going in mid-September to an Expositors' Conference at Grace to You church in California, where John MacArthur is pastor. The conference will be for Hispanic pastors and expositors to share the real Gospel. Please continue to pray for Argentina to open. Urgent prayer for Graciela: she was attacked by two dogs on Aug. 29. Please pray for complete healing and that she can still make her trip to California.
Word of Life Fellowship (WOLF), Hungary
Praise God for one of the greatest summer camps with 917 campers during seven-weeks of camp without government restrictions. Of these, 129 made a decision for Christ, and 204 dedicated their lives to Him. Pray that these new believers will start attending a Bible preaching local church regularly where they can grow in their faith and the grace and knowledge of Him. Also, please pray that the number of new applicants in their Bible Institute continues to grow to full capacity until the start of the new school year.

9/17 Ross & Roula Georgiou

Campus Crusade for Christ, (Global Sports Chaplaincy), Germany  
Today pray for GSCA Members and Provisional Members Knowledge Session as they meet with specific info and training on Gender, Identity and Practice. Also, pray for training for chaplains and chaplaincy organizations, which are ministering amidst gender diversity. 
9/18 Dave (Teg) & Mikkel Tegelaar  
Cru/Athletes in Action/ USA
This summer Teg and the Ultimate Training Camp team gathered several staff from around the country to create two versions of virtual camps for athletes anywhere to participate. They learned a lot about video production, filming the workouts sessions in Madison, WI, and the teaching sessions in Miami. This resulted in two new ways for athletes everywhere  to experience the Gospel through the language of sports! UTC Sprint (camp-on-demand video series for anyone to lead their own mini-camp anywhere) and UTC Every (Every Sport, Every Team, Every Nation - simulcast virtual camp).
In Touch Mission International, Poland
The Evangelical Poland – a national evangelical collaboration movement is going very well. Over 200 people signed up for the leadership conference in September!
Friends in Action International, USA/Bolivia 
Gary is still receiving chemo infusion treatments for the cancer, usually taking him out of commission for several days, creating severe side effects. Please pray for endurance. Gary feels the cancer is good for him spiritually, as it sharpens his walk with the Lord.
9/21 Rick & Elisabeth Arnold 
Pioneers, Inc., West Africa
Praise God for the four wells nearing completion. Rick is hoping to start a neighborhood group to do Chronological Bible Storying. Please pray for wisdom in preparation and connections.
                  EVANGELISM EXPLOSION BRAZIL                                                                        

The week of August 23, Robert Foster led a training in Brazil on Evangelism Explosion via Zoom for 134 church leaders. Below is an encouraging report of that event from Robert.

Just last month, Evangelism Explosion-Brazil offered both a national online workshop and a training clinic. Response had been very encouraging with 134 pre-registered for the two-evening workshop and 28 for the more in-depth training clinic that ran through Saturday. The teaching originated from Rio de Janeiro. Participation came from as far away as the state of Amazonas was via Zoom.

In all, eight churches were involved. A large number of people met together in the auditorium of their mother church where the Zoom transmission was projected on a big screen, having come from smaller congregations in other Amazonian cities. The participants from the other seven churches in different states of Brazil connected from their own homes, using their smartphones, tablets and laptops. Connection issues had been an early concern for both the Zoom classes and the WhatsApp video-calls to be made to people who needed to hear an explanation of the Gospel. However, the Lord heard our prayers, and these did not pose significant challenges. The final report on participation was 133 and 28, respectively, for the workshop and clinic. Praise the Lord!

The secret of Evangelism Explosion for more than 50 years has always been face-to-face, real-life situations for equipping church members. In this process, friends, family members, etc. who need to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ are contacted. During the pandemic, technology has been used to continue to make this possible, since home visits in Brazil have for now become difficult to do. So, a trainer from their home, along with two trainees each one in their home, make a group video-call to someone who has agreed to hear an encouraging message from the Bible. What used to happen with everyone together in someone's living room is happening with everyone in a different place! Still, people are being trained, and others are hearing the Gospel explained in a clear, non-threatening way. During this most recent training event with 28 clinicians, the Gospel was presented 23 times by EE teams for a total of 27 people. Of those, 20, or 74%, prayed to receive the gift of eternal life. Follow-up calls were scheduled with each one to begin their discipleship. Praise the Lord!

Our continuing prayer is that all of those who were equipped - caught a vision for ongoing training in their local churches, and for all of those who made a decision - to begin to grow in their new faith. Praise the Lord for this process of MULTIPLICATION! And, thank you for making it possible through your continuing prayers and support!


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