Wednesday, July 19, 2023



FBA Faith Promise Missionaries serving with 
Presbyterian Evangelistic Fellowship, Ireland/Worldwide
The Shaws' ministry involves evangelism and sharing the Gospel using puppets, storytelling, and juggling. their ministry outreach extends to schools, churches, and on the streets. They minister primarily in Ireland, Scotland, and Brazil, but they visit other parts of the world as well. The Shaws have a multiplying impact as they train and equip others to evangelize and serve in puppet m ministry. An additional part of their mission focus is to encourage Irish Christians to once again become a mission-sending nation to the world. Their heart is to reach the unchurched and share the hope that comes from having a personal relationship with Jesus. They partner in ministry with Linda Summer, who is also a Faith Promise Missionary supported by FBA. Read about recent experiences.


Shaw Family




Silvana and Sam





PRAYER & PRAISE ~ July 19-25, 2023

7/19 SAM & SILVANA SHAW (Our blog guests this week)
Presbyterian Evangelistic Fellowship, Ireland/Worldwide
Praise God for all those
who listened to their programs on the streets over the past few months. Sam was able to get the juggling supplies he needed for friends in Peru, and two and a half days training and further equipping ten of the Peruvian puppet teams was successful.

Campus Crusade for Christ, New Zealand

Thank God for a base of operation and colleagues at Tandem Ministries. Praise God for chaplains being trained in French, Spanish, English, Portuguese, and a range of Indian languages, and that GSCA 10:40 weekly prayer, which began in May, will run through July.

7/21 J & R
USA/Central Asia

The first semester of ESL was completed with over thirty students participating in three classes. The progress they’ve made during these last few months is encouraging. Pray they progress in English skills as well as in their general resettlement in the US.

Word of Life Hungary, Hungary        
Praise God for 849 people who came to Family Day, a WOLH Open House event, providing children programs, sports, and lunch for everyone. God’s Word was shared, emphasizing how important it is to have stable and strong Christian families. A well-known Christian music group in Hungary led in worship. The leader of the group was one of WOLH’s campers in the 90’s.

Central Missionary Clearinghouse, Austria

Praise God for Beverly’s successful ministry trip to Spain with her friend Nancy Alonzo. Beverly shared her music and was invited to return for at least a month. Praise God that her Atlanta townhouse sold, and she is now searching for a home in Louisiana near her family.

Ethnos360, Papua New Guinea

Pray for Gary and Esther as they are on a seven-month home assignment which began in June. They look forward to spending time with family and friends in the States that they haven’t seen in a long time. Pray for Esther as she has the acoustic neuroma checked at the Mayo Clinic.


Pray for the Jacobsens as they begin their trip to Europe. They will participate in a conference for their furloughing missionaries from Europe which will be held in the UK through August 4.

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.” I Corinthians 15:58 (NASB) 

Our monthly Prayer & Praise Calendar is also available on 

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