I love my church and I love serving at my church. I hope all of you are attending your local place of worship now that the worst of COVID has passed. Not only is it Biblical and important, but it's also good for the soul when we gather together as the body of Christ to grow, to give, to worship and to serve. It's our spiritual home where the family of God comes together. And there's no place like home!!
One area where I serve is on the altar team. I have the joy and honor of interceding for hurting folks who come forward for prayer. There is so much brokenness in the world. So when you can hold the hands and look into the eyes of those who are grieving and take them to the throne of the One who can put the broken pieces back together, there's nothing like it!
I also enjoy being an auditorium host. I get to greet people as they enter the sanctuary and also strike up conversations with folks once they are in their seats. It's a great way to connect with them on a more personal level. Last Sunday, I was standing in my usual spot when all of a sudden I looked up and couldn't believe what I saw. It took a moment for my brain to register! There, standing before me was one of the women we had been discipling in the jail! She looked beautiful . . . radiant! I ran up to her and gave her a big hug! Our church is big, has three services and several doors where she could enter, but it "just so happened" that she came in right where I was standing. And this was the early service at 8:30am! Well, of course, I eagerly invited her to sit with me ...and she just as eagerly accepted! She also gave me permission to write what I am sharing with you as well as her name and picture.
told me that she is now living in a transition home. Because she does not
yet own a car, she had called Uber earlier that morning to drive her to
church. I offered to take her to Panera for lunch and then home. We had
the best time! She poured her heart out how she is totally sold out to
Jesus and is so hungry to know His word. She thanked me again and again
for bringing the team of women every week to the chapel at the jail.
The one thing that really grabbed her heart was when we talked about making
Jesus Lord of your life. She knew Him as Savior but had never submitted
her life fully to Him. Once she did, she was radically changed!
It's one thing to say Jesus is Lord, but it's totally another to make Him your
Lord, to surrender to Him completely and give Him total control.
I am so proud of Dana and it gives my heart such joy to see a life transformed! I picked her up Tuesday night and drove her to Celebrate Recovery at our church where approximately 250 people come together every week. They are dealing with all kinds of issues such as cancer, divorce, death, addictions, eating disorders, anxiety, abuse, and more. It's an excellent program! When I picked her up afterwards she said she loved it! She is so excited about getting involved at church that she bought herself an electric scooter to get her there! Now that's what I call commitment! Please be in prayer for Dana that she will be able to find work and God's purpose for her life as she desires to serve Him wherever He leads.
Diane 🐟
PRAYER & PRAISE ~ September 28 - October 4, 2022
“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.” I Corinthians 15:58 (NASB)
Our monthly Prayer & Praise Calendar is also available on fba.org/globalmissions